
Unpopular opinion: College fraternities/sororities are literally just an excuse for High School bullies to prolong their power trip by legally abusing other human beings through pledges and have a little clique at a time in their life where they should grow the fuck up, act like adults and study
That's a completely popular and correct opinion. Why is that stupid, evil shit still legal?
I honestly do not understand why they're still a thing. They're exclusionary. They don't really contribute anything to the student body. They contribute to excessive drinking. Fraternities are CONTINUOUSLY involved in sex crimes. They should be banned. Period.
Banning frats nationally would improve the world so much. Future Bret Kavanaughs wouldn't have them to network and rape women at.
During my time in college, there was exactly *one* Greek organization that was actually worth a damn. The rest were a bunch of irritating jackasses. And they require payment of dues, so as my old roommate put it, you were basically just paying to have friends.
I'm so glad my University didn't have fraternities (at least none that were common knowledge on campus). We were all just computer/film/video game/animation nerds, and we got along together. It would explain why we were so mad the higher-ups closed our campus and merged all the departments.