
WaPo has a story today on "a review" of GOP gubernatorial candidate Mark Robinson's social media. They claim he has "drawn scrutiny for" remarks "on other issues" but not sexual assault. Our TPM story last year, which was the first in depth look at this, highlighted his downplaying of Bill Cosby.
North Carolina’s Lt. Governor Is A Facebook Brawler Whose Posts Railed Against Gays, Blacks, And Earlier this month, North Carolina Lieutenant Gov. Mark Robinson (R) delivered a...
It's one thing to show up after a story began, but quite another to do that and suggest others weren't on it.
Personally, when I cover a story other reporters got to first - including some of Robinson's comments - I try to link to them and ceedit by name rather than falsely downplaying their work, but maybe that's just me.
Here's what happened with Mark Robinson: I got a tip from a source working in state that the LG was really extreme and had a real chance of getting to the governor's mansion. There had been reporting on a recent awful Facebook post Robinson made about Jews in Hollywood.
I checked his social media and it quickly became apparent that was the tip of the iceberg. I dug deep and read literally his entire feed.
The reality with Mark Robinson is that he has made so many extreme and hateful comments over the years that it took a lot to boil it down into a comprehensive and coherent presentation. That original story could have been novella length if I included every awful comment.
We tried to tell a complete story of his rise and highlight every area of his controversial views including this one. There is plenty I didn't include that others can pick through but I truly don't appreciate them doing so and acting like they are first to get on it.
I am just remembering that this isn't even the first time WaPo has done this on this very topic.