
After a couple days of conversations, I can say Dems at every level are wondering whether Biden will step aside and gaming out potential replacement scenarios. Biden's team is calling some allies to take their temperature.
There will be procedural and electoral issues to keep in mind if Biden moves on. I continue to think the only realistic option is Kamala. Any running mate for her would need to be from a safe seat. For that reason, people trying to game this out are much more focused on governors than Congress.
Yall realize the republican party will litigate any candidate change right into the ground, right? How exactly do people see this playing out in the republican captured court? I see this talk as a way to avoid responsibility for the voter. We just need to show up at more than 40%.
Republicans need Biden to quit because Trump can’t beat him. That’s what this is about.
I'm glad to hear that these discussions are happening within the Biden camp. Despite the public face of the campaign, they can't change my mind on what I saw last week at the debate.