
Just talked with a Democratic member of Congress about Biden. They told me: "This is like Lehman Brothers in 2008 where everyone said the company is going nowhere, it was fine, and then all of a sudden it wasn't."
The Dem member of Congress who spoke to me also said, "I don't know if Biden can win at this point and that frightens me."
The Dem member of Congress I spoke to said "African Americans are the most formidable bloc" in discussions of Biden's future. "If their delegation is more loyal to having a Black woman than they are to their state party orgs than it is Kamala's."
They went on to say if Black electeds "just want an African American" on the ticket and are less personally loyal to Kamala Harris "then, it's open."
Sorry, so this is a member of congress saying the process they think we should follow is to: ask black elected officials if they want to dump Biden, then if they do, ask if they care which black person replaces him? Trying to understand the planning here because it sounds very half baked
Like, this sounds to me like more confirmation that these are deeply unserious people. What mechanism does this individual think would allow someone other than Harris to take over? Do they have access to a secret polling average that shows a massive drop in support that they can show the rest of us?
I mean, I don't think it's fully as simple procedurally as some make it out to me but the nominee is chosen at the convention and Kamala Harris becomes president if he steps down. The devil will be in the details but it's not unserious at all. Many in the party are discussing this.
Harris has a lot of negatives and is not a great communicator, and the Trump campaign definitely has a plan for how to run against her. I don't mind if she is the nominee but I'm sure these are factors in the minds of experienced sitting politicians.
Open convention, even just among the players and their advocates scares the hell out of me. I don’t think there’s a ticket that has grater reward/risk than one with Kamala at the top. As soon as everyone starts gaming what’s in it for me it has all the craziness as Thanksgiving w/ extended family.
Agree. This is painful, but IMO, his frailty could spell disaster for the entire party in November.
June 27 to July __ will go down in history as the time when the political press freaked out and undid America.