Hurtdeer (deer emoji)

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Hurtdeer (deer emoji)

electronic music maker and local nonbinary. fka Crok

bookings/contact/compliments: [email protected]
Bad news everyone. A 20 year old game from a series where an unrequited homosexual infatuation turns into a decades long convoluted plan to tear down a war-driven economy, is woke now
Longlegs was a beautifully shot great film for the first two acts, and then shits itself and suddenly ends. It had the pacing of an ambitious video game that ran out of budget just as it was getting good. 6/10 thanks for reading dont like and dont subscribe. Do not
ketamine abuse is such a problem in the city i live in, that i sort of have to thank elon musk for making it lamer by association
Afternoon all. Had to go to tescos to do a shit. Mental
As i get older i have come to believe that the best kind of Posting comes from people who respond to pictures of an NES with things like "I remember mario brothers!!! Watch out for bowser !!"
saw one of those mobile phone game ads on fb with the scam video that was some cgi garbage full of stolen dark souls assets. Anyway. i saw a reply in the comments do the funniest thing i think you could do and tag both the facebook accounts for FromSoftware and the FBI
I think every country should have a personal airport that only i can use. And its free for me to use whenever i feel like. Reasonable request? Many are saying it is
leftism with no cognizance of the need for coalition is just jacking off
I fucking KNEW it. Planes are a kind of bird
love to watch Sir Lord Fuddlesticks, the Tory candidate, stand quivering next to Bradley Thumb, running for Labour, as they wait to see who will represent the fine people of Northrop Grumman-Upon-Coal
"star wars is too woke" hard disagree. not woke enough. give yoda huge tits
i voted. but in much more relevant and exciting news i killed the elden beast on my first try
Was reading about Aeon Flux after seeing the animated shorts for the first time. Probably the most insane thing ive read on tv tropes. What
Ive had robust political thoughts in the past but due to the constant attrition via psychic damage done to me by simply staying engaged, im reforming. My new politics are now simply thus: i think everyone should be nice to each other, and i should be given £50 each day as a treat
every day i wake up in britain. proper mental innit
Also what the fuck these are all banging. Never heard of any if these. Im going to say the wolf is giving birth now
I did the new york times accent quiz and apparantly my european arse is from new orleans. Laissez les bon temps rouler
Ive never seen someone come to the correct conclusion (modern art is for money laundering) with the most broken process (nintendo character is a fox in front of generic sci fi background is high art)
down in brighton at the end of this month with a lineup exclusively full of my talented friends. and me info: tickets:
saw someone describe mr beast as an "ideologically vacant mind" and i've never felt a God I Wish That Were Me so hard
Is there some sort of trick to waking up in the morning and being immediately able to get going? Instead of having to spend an hour dealing with the shock of another day of all of this [waves hands] still happening all of the time
[prouncing it "delcci"] i enjoyed the shadow of the erdtree dlc 🤌
computer currently has massive voltage spikes on startup until i slightly adjust my overclocking settings. doesnt seem to matter which direction. is this normal. is this cool
Shadows of the Erdteee successfully recreated the base game experience for me, where i spend 30 minutes going "well i guess this huge field is cool" and then suddenly stumble into an area called something like "Ombudsman's Incubation Grounds" and i'm all 😍
This is funny. When i was looking to rent a single room last year, every estate agent, including this one, asked me what my job was. When i said "self employed musician" they all either flat told me no, or asked for 6 months rent in advance. But yea. Cool sign i guess
Ok im ready to go make friends in japan now
what age is it that you become old. how does it get defined. is it when you can't do a roly poly anymore. i can still do one of those i think
lot of AC chat on the timeline. Would be nice if we had those in british houses, but unfortunately all of our expenses go to paying our bean licences off and making sure our local lord (he is faire and juste) gets his tithe
installing the elden ring update as fast as i can so i can change to one of the new prettier haircuts. just to immediately hide it under the iron kasa hat and never see it again