
Yes it is so great for cats to go outside and be immediately killed by coyotes they love it.
cf. - Cars - Dogs - Ticks - Spiders - Snakes
And also extreme cat-hating people who have been known to do terrible things to cats. My cats stay inside because of all of these. They climb on the furniture, they meow through the screen doors and to each other, and they will live long safe lives before eventually passing of old age.
And both of my cats have FIV because someone left them outside before we adopted them. That's were most cats get it, along with FeLV and a slew of other viruses, parasites, etc.
Having lost a number of cats to cars when I was a kid, I was completely accepting when our local humane society asked us to keep our cats 100% indoors as part of adoption.
This sort of stuff is extremely common on our local NextDoor. It’s so sad. I’m glad to not have to worry about it for our cats.
It's possibly not malevolent. We have five 'official' cats. The first and the most recent arrival adopted us from the neighbourhood. We knew where the first one came from but not the new guy. He was unchipped and there were no lost cat posters anywhere. He's affectionate and is integrating nicely.
ps - He's young but past kittenhood so we're assuming he was a lockdown pet whose usefulness had expired. That's a sad story in itself.
the most optimistic view of the missing cat posts is that they’ve gone to another loving home. but many of them have gohave gone to cars, coyotes, etc.