
One of the most revealing things to come from the “ai” push is these bros’ limited vision of humanity. Saying “what are we, collectively, as an organism of humans, other than a knowledge, an intellectual production engine” isn’t profound, but it does explain why you think “ai” is the pinnacle.
Microsoft AI CEO explains why the economics of information are about to 'radically change' Microsoft AI chief Mustafa Suleyman said at the Aspen Ideas Festival that AI is going to "turbocharge" our capacity to produce knowledge.
to the tech bros: "Define knowledge, motherfucker" goose meme dot jpeg
I swear there was a period in the early 2000s where marketing lost distinction from regular discourse.
I'm sure there are many reasons, but I personally blame the UX industry empathy-washing what is essentially marketing and corporate propaganda
Yup. It’s an ideology that defines our current moment. Not to be a crass self-promoter (or at least not too much of one), but Natasha Tusikov and I just published a book, The New Knowledge, which makes exactly this point. Free OA download under the “Features” tab.
The New Knowledge: Information, Data and the Remaking of Global This book explores how the increasing importance of the control over knowledge affects everything from innovation, economic growth, and creative expression to personal freedom and privacy, and off...
Mustafa is a deeply silly man.
I prefer to think of it as an almost enviable innocence. To truly believe that unfettered logic would fall out in humanity's favor? That would require a level of purity, protected innocence ... as a parent, it's what we all secretly wish for our children, isn't it? The world we're hoping to build?
Only people who have never experienced systemic suffering have the capacity to believe that humanity is fundamentally good, that application of & faith in pure logic wouldn't result in a harsher judgment against us than any god could mete out. Thanos was right, etc.
If they're right in theory but not in practice -- if this is the inevitable, eventual result of the elimination of suffering -- what then? I assume that most of us who oppose this do so bc we know that the essence of humanity doesn't stand up to logic, yah? Gen Xers raised on Robocop & Terminator?
Anyone else catch the unbelievable and apparently unashamed irony from an earlier June 6 report that MS hired this guys ghostwriter too? 😂😂
Microsoft AI CEO explains why he needs to be put behind lock and key for the rest of his life.
We’re going to miss the old racist WASP tech bros with the new wave of boot strapped sociopaths.