
“…the Alphabet-backed startup Cavnue has started constructing the smart highway as part of a new pilot project that could spur other construction projects across the country.”
Michigan is building the nation’s first smart A stretch of highway between Ann Arbor and Detroit, Michigan is being converted into America's first smart highway.
I don't even want to know what a smart highway is. I don't like that politicians' brains can be hacked by putting a tech buzzword in front of literally any other word
it's one where they do surveillance all over you under the guise of nonsense reasons
The article mentions that the US lags behind Britain in smart highways, but does not mention that safety concerns have dogged the UK's to the point that the govt abandoned building more last year and is now spending close to a billion pounds trying to make the existing ones less dangerous.
That said, the UK's smart highways involve things like dynamically repurposing the shoulder as a traffic lane and variable speed limits - which might not be something they try to do with the I94.
ohhh boston rules... fully nationalising masshole driving via technology seems ambitious and ill considered (says a person who learned to drive in boston)
They'll do fuckin anything but build a goddamn public rail system, I swear.
Love how they mention the U.K. which has “smart “freeways -that lack any emergency lane and people die every year when they break down and can’t move out of traffic. But I’m sure this will be different bc we should trust tech bros they mean well don’t they ofc
a truly smart highway would issue tickets to speeders and in some cases pull cars onto the shoulder and put them in timeout in response to acts of reckless aggression.
I read a novel about such a highway in the late 70s/ early 80s and it was TERRIFYING.