
Whatever its shortcomings - and they are numerous - man oh man I have enjoyed this election campaign.
Yes, there was insufficient candour on issues such as tax rises, the NHS, the failure of Brexit etc etc. But come on, it has delivered right up until the final day of campaigning. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Me too! I can’t understand why some people have dismissed it as dull. Sunak getting soaked! The sheep! D-Day! Betting! Endless Reform crazies! I’m going to miss it.
The sheer unstoppable ineptness of the Tory campaign has been some of the best political entertainment for years. Oh but let's not forget the traditional milkshaking of Niggles Fromage. This years had spectacular optics.
I dunno… its certainly been a rollercoaster ride - but - it’s all too terrifying. The number of election nights I’ve been crushingly disappointed. Not this time I hope. 🤞