
Could we please start funding the humanities again? It's not just that we're losing the ability to read, we're losing the understanding of what reading even is
ian, you silly goose, the humanities don't make corporate bean counters watch number go up so they're bad. the people who do humanities should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and fund themselves. duh.
Yes but these STEMlords are proving to be easily manipulated by the most obvious propaganda and... ah
"Breaking News: STEM majors revealed as media literacy pros! From cracking complex equations to dissecting political spin and Instagram filters, they excel at decoding it all. Who knew Newton was a master meme analyst?"
yes i had chatgpt write this for me and it only took one extra try to make the middle sentence make sense. in other words i basically have an advanced degree in humanities now.
It's pretty funny. They are going to code themselves out of jobs, but at least the AGI will be able to teach them the arc of "civilization" and the past 150 years of intellectual and social progress. STEMlords: "Oh, that's what postmodernism is. Wow, so, Conservatives are hypocrites?" AGI: "Obvs."