
Sometimes it's fun to call your cat a "creature" while you're talking to them. For instance, "ah, the creature likes being brushed, this is fascinating data"
"I have a pet cat." Technically correct. "An apex predator has befriended me." Emotionally true.
It really does feel special when one decides to sit on your lap instead of, say, harming you
In a comment board over at Talking Points Memo, a guy tells the story of how his family took in a stray cat. He became an indoor cat, but for *5 years* he wouldn't let anyone get near him. And then one day . . . The wonder in the guy's recounting this was extraordinary.
Right? When more than one cat is napping on the bed I feel like a vampire. When one hops down I instruct them to patrol the grounds in my stead so that I may rest. I'm quite weary.
"Humancats iz so weirds sometimez."
I call my cat My Beastie. Because he's large & demanding but also likes snuggles and brushies
The creature rubs the lotion on its fur