
I'm sure the reporters who actually cover tech and climate at the WaPo made it clear that posting an AI tool for readers to use to read their climate reporting would look stupid to everyone capable of using it and some dipshit in a tie said "too bad, I'm putting it in my annual self-evaluation"
spoilers: the dipshit gets a raise and half the reporters get laid off
if the implosion of Deadspin and the slow bleeding out of Kotaku has taught me anything, it's literally always some dipshit who waddled into the company six months ago going "hey, how about you stick to sports"
Ownership almost certainly pushed it. 100% they are using Amazon's AI tools to power it.
I dunno, there seem to be way too many tech reporters entirely too credulous about AI.
The phrase “AI tool” is taking on so much baggage you need to spit before you say it. I repeat myself: AI is the new NFT.
The two subscriptions I pay for kicking and screaming the whole way are Wapo and NYT.
Until last week, that was true for me as well.
“The water we burned to run this will payoff when we limit warming to 2.5C.”