Dr Lucy Carolan

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Dr Lucy Carolan


Creative practice research about lived experience of cognitive decline
We are really happy to announce that our collective book is now available online! 👇 www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/1... For those who still prefer physical books, pre-orders for the print edition are also now open! 📚👇 www.routledge.com/The-Riddle-o... #philsci #histsci #philsky
Academic journals see "staggering profit margins approaching 40%.... Meanwhile, academics do almost all of the substantive work to produce these articles free of charge". Then, we have to pay eye-watering sums to make our papers open access. www.theguardian.com/commentisfre...
Academic journals are a lucrative scam – and we’re determined to change that | Arash Abizadehwww.theguardian.com Giant publishers are bleeding universities dry, with profit margins that rival Google’s. So we decided to start our own, says academic Arash Abizadeh
Discovering that it’s really hard to do things if your hands feel like they’re defrosting, and your arms and legs seem to believe you’ve just got off the scariest ride at the fairground
"Clinical work and life experience have revealed the ways in which, to a surprising degree, cognition is also something that goes on within our relationships with other people... that how cognitively impaired you are is a function of the social context in which you find yourself."
The big idea: why your brain needs other peoplewww.theguardian.com Your own thoughts are just part of the picture – relationships are vital to the way you think
"There is only one point at which all the sciences and the other areas of human thought meet – in the interpretation of knowledge." B. F. Skinner (1948)
APPEL À COMMUNICATIONS SÉMINAIRE INTERNATIONAL D’HUMANITÉS MÉDICALES (en ligne, 2 novembre 2024) Concepts et représentations : la fatigue et l’épuisement (Médecine, philosophie, littérature) www.researchcatalogue.net/view/1862857...
Research Catalogue - an international database for artistic researchwww.researchcatalogue.net
Ouais, bonne nouvelle mais... Having hit my 60s, permit me to (grumpily) point out some of us really are old enough to recall this isn't the first - second, or third - time France has had issues with its Le Pens. It's an election, not a dragon slaying. Alors tout ce tintouin me dépasse un peu...
"series of reports... speculating on the ‘future’ of the public university & imploring... leaders & policy-makers to take urgent action or face ruin. Typically framed as diagnostic studies & impartial exercises in ‘thought leadership’, these played an important role in creating [what] they predicted
Yes, what sorts of university futures DO all those consultancies imagine? Great to see research on the impact of management-by-transaction and the growing grip of consultancies on Higher Education: www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10....
And now, going live to our correspondent in pork markets:
Can't help feeling that 'to lose a seat' isn't really up to the task of describing the routing some people got in this election
They raised Anne Widdecombe from the dead especially for this
Angela Stienne: "The Lyme Museum... [is] dedicated to the lived experience of invisible illnesses and disabilities... how can we render the invisible visible, and how can we engage people in a subject that is challenging to depict visually and that isn’t at the forefront of conversations?" 👍 👋
Through the Lens of Lived Experienceucldigitalpress.co.uk
Anyway, today’s distraction (and birthday present to self) just arrived in the post 😅
The first time I was eligible to vote was in 1983. The only good thing about that election was that they broadcast 'Klute' (1971) as a distraction from the news that Thatcher was en route to a second term. And now polls say we're about to get Starmer, a man who has said he admires Thatcher... 😬
A very dear friend of mine (who has dementia) wrote on FB yesterday that he'd "sooner shit in [his] hands and clap" than do something he didn't want to (like go on a guided tour - he's on holiday at the mo), and I'm posting it here in hopes of getting it out of my head before I go to vote...
So the leader of the LibDems' bungee jumping 'It's a Knockout'-style approach to campaigning was actually all a coded message for "I'm a serious politician". What seems more plausible to me is that they looked back at some of Johnson's past performances and thought, well it worked for him! 👀
"I really felt that one problem we have—[inc] various US wars too...—is that you need to talk with soldiers. We don’t do that. We talk about them... You just send them to do things, and you don’t want them to tell you exactly what they did, and then you don’t even provide enough psychological help."
So can Biden now order a hit on Trump?
“Now, if this were a story,” Wright observes, “a real story instead of whatever it is, then this could be interpreted and the story shaped to advance through the interpretation.” And those interpretations “would serve the delicious purpose of turning the mother into the villain.”
UK: FPTP is pants! We need PR! France: Hold my bière...
Today's the day I enter my sixth decade... but it's also exactly twenty years since my partner kissed me for the first time. Know which one of the two I feel most like celebrating!
So I've been wondering all afternoon... Was my response sexist? 😳 🤔 The giant owl was said to have inexplicably moved only twice, both times discovered by the son-in-law (an engineer) while he, his wife and child were alone in the house. Is it unreasonable to ask why nobody questioned his account?
But towards the end it took a sinister turn. Son-in-law: I went downstairs early to watch TV, and while I made a cup of tea the [giant wooden sculpture of an] owl somehow ended up face first in the fireplace! Me: Did you put it there to spook your already freaked out wife?? Presenter: WOW!