
One thing ive been realizing lately is that my biggest hurdle with making comics fast is that work is still intimidating to me. Like i can actually draw and ink really fast, and to good quality. But whenever i try to do something for work, the “this needs to pro” switch flips and i slow to a crawl.
This is the page that i think really made me realize this. I did this whole thing, start to finish, in like ~5 hours. Which is very fast for me. And the reason is that i wasnt thinking too hard about it. I just need to channel that forward💪
Something that has helped with this recently is watching videos of other artists working. Mostly manga artists for me but thats cause we use the same tools. Seeing them just put down lines and make mistakes and scribble helps get my brain out of that mode. Its been surprisingly helpful haha
【漫画制作】『フードコートで、また明日。』アナログ原稿メイキング【成家慎一郎先生】 【コピック&アイシーのエアコミケ3】4/30-5/5の期間で開催したオンラインイベントのスペシャル企画です。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ...
I had the pleasure of seeing some Tezuka pages in person and the amount of white-out and corrections was really encouraging!