
I talk to like 5 people on here that I like (many of whom keep deactivating lol) and every time I get glimpses of the broader culture of this place I'm disappointed and horrified. I'm starting to feel like a corpse with flickers of fading energy moving my thumbs around to post out of sheer habit
I sometimes wonder whether there is much of a broad culture here. It seems as if many clusters are quite isolated
The main ones I've clocked are the post-Tumblrite "how do we make posting safer" types, the weird German people who all work in tech and have serial killer vibes, and a pack of very shrill liberals who are convinced the NYT brainwashed people into noticing Biden's got a bad brain
The real deal NPD elder types seem to have moved on, as have most of the small time geek culture celebs and roving herds of tech writers from 2008 who show up on every new platform. Maybe they're on Nostr or whatever now
Wonder how long before they make one of these about the platform
Oh. I clocked two of those three but assumed there must be more beyond. Optimistic?
Look if things were fair I would be the one with all the followers and attention but I screw up once and call Ethiopians white and here we are.
You need to hook up with the shrill "unsafe posts are a CAPITAL CRIME" cohort on here. They love it when someone finds a way to frame a POC as white, actually,
I dont need to be told I am biphobic. I know I am. Thanks anyway though.