Matt Kasson

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Matt Kasson

Mycologist 🍄🧫🧪& Forest Pathologist 🌳👨‍⚕️ | Nat Geo & SPUN Explorer | SciComm | boy dad | husband | ADHD | 🏃‍♂️ | 2X Newf owner
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Some silly 'Merica millipede word problems to entertain you on this Fourth of July 🇺🇸 Brachycybe lecontii's top speed is 0.0029 mph, and one 0.0169-gram individual can push up to 6 grams. Assuming a spherical cow: 1) How long would it take a millipede to sprint across the United States? 1/2 🌿🧪
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Super excited to share our first lab paper of 2024! This work, published online ahead of print in Mycologia, is the hard work of former post-doc & former undergrad Hana Barrett! 🧪
Fresh culture of Penicillium vulpinum from the lab!
Are your rhododendron buds looking hairy & necrotic? If so, say hello to the plant pathogenic fungus Seifertia azaleae! This ascomycete fungus infects azaleas & rhododendron.
Was is Kierkegaard or Thoreau who said “I went to the woods because I wished to smash puffballs deliberately….and see if I could not learn what it had to teach…” 🍄🧪
Well half the people on X said this was a Black racer while the other half called it a black rat snake. I don’t know snakes 🐍 but thought y’all would appreciate this beautiful reptile I saw warming up in a tree here in West Virginia this morning!
I thought I was just growing another filamentous ascomycete then I made the mistake of zooming in 👀! They are not of this world! 🍄🧫🧪
The Dutch word for the trembling crust fungus (Phlebia tremellosa) is apparently Spekzwoerdzwam, which according to Google translate means bacon rind mushroom. I agree with this visually appropriate translation! 🍄🧪
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Oh hello there #mycorrhiza BlueSky - the ICOM12 website just went live. Bookmark it, and put the relevant dates in your diary! Hope to see you in Manchester next year 🍄🧪🌾🌎
Of course I forgot the 🧪!
It’s been a remarkable few days in the woods here in West Virginia for mushroom 📸 & foraging! Here’s some of the highlights!
It’s been a remarkable few days in the woods here in West Virginia for mushroom 📸 & foraging! Here’s some of the highlights!
Hard to miss the striking beauty of Cristulariella fungal leaf spots! 🍄🍃🟤🧪
Inky cap mushrooms including the shaggy inky cap (Coprinus comatus; 📸) are known for a unique trait called auto-digestion or deliquescence, where gill tissues and spores liquify as the mushrooms age giving onlookers the impression they are melting! 🍄🧪
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This image is a perfect representation of why I've lost interest in academia. Everyone is expected to do three different jobs simultaneously, and I have no desire to do that to myself. I don't disagree that most of these things are very important for *someone* to do, but it's too much for one.
A helpful and all-too accurate visualization of academic life by Dr. Susan Wardell.
News of WVU’s “Academic Transformation” has died down. 43% (9/21) of the faculty in my unit (Div. of Plant & Soil Sciences) are being fired & we will learn our fate by next Friday (10/13). The idea of losing ≈50% of my colleagues / friends (or 100% if I’m RIFed) by next summer is devastating!
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The audible gasp when you see the the underside of the hexagonal-pored polypore (Neofavolus alveolaris)! 🍄🤯🧪
Happy October 🍁 friends! Don’t forget to get outside and enjoy this incredible season! 🧪
In order to really appreciate the northern tooth fungus you have to get up close and personal with it’s teeth! 🧪
Found a patch of coral tooth fungus (Hericium coralloides) earlier today at WVU’s Animal Science Farm woodlot here in Morgantown, West Virginia! Guess I know what we are eating for dinner! 🧪
What fungi are popping up in your backyards and forests so far this fall? 🧪
Fall is definitely here in West Virginia! Great to see so many fungi showing their lovely faces! 🧪
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PSA for scientists submitting or reviewing grants: in case of a government shutdown, federal run websites including NIH commons may not be accessible so download all the files you need before Oct 1
Spotted this pride of resinous polypores (Ischnoderma resinosum) while taking my General Plant Pathology undergrads on a disease walk through Core Arboretum. Fall is definitely here 😍🍄! 🧪
These moldy Twinkies cost me $78 at Newark Airport. This is why Americans think the economy is terrible.
TGIF? Not quite here at West Virginia University where our BOG just voted to eliminate 143 faculty positions & 28 academic programs incl. ~20 positions across WVU Davis College & 9/21 (43%) of faculty from the Div. of Plant & Soil Sciences where I am housed. I’m gutted & so our department. #WVU
Found a epizootic of Pandora sp. (Entomophthorales) on blow flies for the 3rd year in a row atop Spruce Knob, West Virginia’s highest peak! Don’t you worry, I sampled it sufficiently & we already generated a low coverage metagenome for this population from a previous collection! 🪰🍄🧪
Ecstatic to be named a 2023 SPUN Underground Explorer to investigate threats chytrid fungi pose to AMF across eastern U.S. barrier islands! My lab & w/ help from & others will map AMF & chytrid diversity & investigate their role in dune health!
Underground SPUN is working with local researchers to map their home ecosystems through our Underground Explorers Program.