sofamire (111)

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sofamire (111)

solo game dev. making 1) Trench Warden 2) Diecast 3) whatever else
Here’s a look at a few unique die from my upcoming game Diecast. Some die have numbers, like the “Eight Legs” die (featuring a Buddha’s Hand lemon and octopus) that has the same value but also has a “class” associated with it. Some scores require a class like “fruit” or “animal”. 🧵 #gaming #gamedev
For Diecast, I was wondering how to distinguish regular dice from special ones. Here’s what I did… short 🧵 #gamedev #indiedev #indiegame #gaming
*PHEW* Finally finished my full set of numbered dice. Now I have every die normally found in a DnD game. Who knew drawing #pixelart for an icosahedron was so hard? #gamedev #gaming
Here’s a look at some of the sprite work for a few of the dice in the game: #gamedev #indie #gaming
Hey all! I’m trying something new here on Blue Sky. I’m working on a Yahtzee-inspired roguelike called “Diecast” to be released SOON™️ Drop me a follow or whatever and maybe I’ll tweet updates now and then!
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