Ines Mergel

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Ines Mergel

Professor at University of Konstanz (Germany), Fellow National Academy of Public Administration, Supervisory Board Member eGov Academy, Founding Editor Teaching Public Service in the Digital Age, Schmidt Futures Innov. Fellow,
🔥 New special issue in Public Management Review titled "Implementing AI in the Public Sector" co-edited with Helen Dickinson, Jari Stenvall, and Mila Gasco Hernandez. The SI provides first insights into how different public sector organizations are starting to implement AI into their operations. 🔥
👀 In my research group, we have either two 50% TVL-13 positions or one 100% TVL-13 position open. The job descriptions are available in English and German. 🎯 We are working on all things agile and digital in the public sector.
Together with Mila Gasco, Greta Nasi, Albert Meijer, and M. Jae Moon, I am co-editing a special issue in the journal 'Public Administration' on the dynamics of digital transformation in public administration. Consider submitting your paper! CfP:
Big news: We successfully recruited Pontus Westerberg as our first Executive Director. Pontus will lead the expansion of our operations and the implementation of our strategic goals. Read the press release here:
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Freshmen in the online program at ASU pay about $32K/year-- so it looks like what this "partnership" means is ASU is proposing to charge freshman comp students $4000 for a class where they are "tutored" by ChatGPT, a technology that currently can be used for free online.
“…ASU plans to use ChatGPT to build personalized AI tutors and offer writing help to students in one of its largest classes, Freshman Composition.” 🫠
OpenAI launches partnership with ASU, allowing full use of It comes as schools at all levels grapple with whether and how to embrace generative AI.
Take a look at our new paper on the institutional work of smart city managers:
Very happy to share that I just published an article in the journal Public Administration Review: I looked at the social affordances of introducing agile work practices into administrative routines of public sector organizations.
Next week's "Agile and Digital Governance Research Colloquium" is hosting Steven NÕmmik from TalTech who will present his work on user contributions in multi-actor innovative healthcare initiatives in Estonia. You can sign up for our mailing list here:
📢 Our next Agile and Digital Governance Research Colloquium was moved to November 16th. 🗣 David Eaves (Professor at UCL) will present his paper titled "Unpacking Complexity in Digital ID Systems Design: The Case of Jamaica's National ID Legislation".
We just set the dates for a new masterclass for university professors and instructors. People so far found it useful and felt better prepared to go into the new semester. Come join us!
Based on an ethnographic study of German management consultants, Felix Stein identified three forms of ignorance that arise as part of commodifying expertise: ignorance due to profit, ignorance due to rhetoric, and ignorance due to strong assumptions:
👩‍🎓 Our online "Agile and Digital Governance Research Colloquium" starts again.
Something that we can rarely observe: a new school of government and policy is born that embeds science, data, and the role and impact of technology in the curricula:
Detected a blatant case of plagiarism of one of my articles today. The authors claim that no one ever worked on this topic. Then they used my coding taxonomy, conceptual framework (scrawly graphic) & copied many of the text passages (8 pages full of incidences). I am sad: so much work to prove it.
Congratulations to all new fellows of the National Academy of Public Administration:
Really interesting article about hybrid work environments. Hasn't really arrived in the environments I work in:
📚 This week, I participated in a book sprint for a new co-authored book we are working on. We had a writing trainer who guided us through the process. We adopted the Scrum roles: developers as the editorial/author team, a project manager as the Scrum master who timeboxed us.
Come join us for our next Masterclass on how to use our "Teaching Public Service in the Digital Age" syllabus:
End of feed.