InfiDale ⚡️

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InfiDale ⚡️

Secular Humanist/Anti-theist. As optimistic as a realist can be. Physics/chemistry/biology/anthropology. Hated learning most my life. So I'm cramming (also kinda funny)
Christ is just a title. It’s like calling someone a wizard. There may have been a dude named Jesus and there may have been a dude named Merlin. But there are no wizards and there are no christs. ✝️🪄
Why do Christians always ask us how the church hurt us rather than asking themselves why they’re part of an organization that hurts so many people?
Bread isn’t the past tense of inbreed.
If the Democrats can find a candidate named Brandon to run for POTUS we don’t even have to make new signs. “Advertising paid for by the Republican party.”
Can you be a reasonably intelligent adult and still believe in Jesus? Yes. Can you be a reasonably intelligent adult and still believe that Donald Trump believes in Jesus? No.
"I'm sure you could out debate me and I could probably out pray you." I'm better at using logic and reason to defend my claims and you’re better at talking to your imaginary friend? OK, I'll take it!
That’s messed up. I’m not an incel. I’m closer to a partially vol-cel.
Just because you believe in transubstantiation that doesn’t mean you can’t believe in trans substantiation. 🏳️‍⚧️
Qur’an 5:3 : Surah Al-Ma'idah - 3 “Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allāh and His Messenger and strive upon earth to cause corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides…”
True. But I get to use it now. *stupid *you’re
A religion is an ideology. Having a problem with a harmful ideology does kinda make you better than the people who are promoting and propagating that same harmful ideology.
“Who damaged you to the point of being able to compare opposing claims?” My teachers?
“Chill out bro. Live and let live” Do you want me to do like you do and tell people to chill out or would you prefer me to live and let live? Make up your mind.
If I’m not willing to be in a religion where my god won’t show up, I’m damn sure not gonna be in a relationship where my partner won’t.
Who has to go out of their way to cleanse a timelime? My persona is a timeline cleanser.
What if an old friend labeled one of the heads of my movement as "podcast boy" before we laughed him away?
They said I’m being dogmatic and rejecting the evidence that supports their claims of miracles. I told them I’ve seen no evidence but am open to being wrong. They blocked me. Who’s being dogmatic?
Have witches killed more Christians than Christians have killed witches? Then why the fuck are you scared of the witches?
Simple to prove you’re a Christian, not possible to prove Christianity.
Dear Christians, Christ said he wanted you to break bread, not break bad.
If you’re not scientifically literate? Nothing.
Tell me you know nothing about physics and chemistry without telling me you know nothing about physics and chemistry…
It’s not my opinion that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all believe in the God of Abraham. That’s called a fact. ✡️✝️☪️
When the church starts talking about things that don’t exist it becomes a cult? I agree. #Atheism
Our five senses are very limiting. But some of us are now much less limited thanks to technology and the sciences. 🔭🔬
Instead of Captain America it’s “Mr. Kicked Out of Boot Camp America”
“Just because you’ve dedicated your entire adult life to the sciences and theology that doesn’t mean you know more than me. I used to work at Sephora.” 💋
If we left England for America so we’d no longer be under the rule of tyrannical lords and kings, bringing Jesus and his father over with us was a huge mistake.
What the fuck is unenteligence?