
The Supreme Court and 11th Circuit must include at least one of the Americans believing in human-dinosaur cohabitation. We will be finding out how many when post-Chevron rulings appear next term.
According to a 2024 Yahoo News poll, 41% of Americans believe that humans and dinosaurs once lived on Earth at the same time. The poll asked 1,000 people the question, and 14% responded "definitely", 27% responded "probably". My response is how did we get so stupid?
Also poor public schooling. Both can be true.
I'm sure that in some locations the quality of public schools is pretty dismal. No one wants to pay taxes for better education or infrastructure. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society.
No matter how bad, I don't think any public school teaches that dinosaurs and humans co-existed. They may not mention it one way or another, but they aren't teaching it. That's home schooling/Christian "academy" nonsense combined.
Home schooling should only be allowed under very limited circumstances. Public schools build a sense of community. Home schooling is chaos and a recipe for idiocracy.