In geveb

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In geveb

A Journal of Yiddish Studies (
In geveb is thrilled to announce a new special issue of peer reviewed articles and essays: Old Yiddish Literature: Historical and Cultural Perspectives, edited by Aya Elyada and Matthew Johnson.
Old Yiddish Literature | In This special issue assembles a range of original contributions that shed light on the historical and cultural dimensions of Old Yiddish literature.
Matthew Shifrin describes his path to learning Yiddish as a blind student - with some exciting bonus footage of his performance of "Rhyming Dic­tio­nary,” from his one-man musi­cal in Eng­lish and Yid­dish, My Grandma’s Mind Is Like An Ocean.
Reading Yiddish in Braille | In I went to Google, and typed in Yiddish Braille. Hebrew Braille had been used since the mid-twentieth century, so there had to be Braille for Yiddish, right?
Yiddish teacher Abby Howell explaining the questions, challenges, and solutions she and her student Matthew Shifrin uncovered as they worked their way toward Yiddish in braille. (stay tuned for another post about Shiffrin's article, also published in In geveb today!)
Yiddish in Braille - a Mayse | In A Yiddish teacher and software engineer tackles a thorny accessibility issue: how to teach a highly motivated student who reads braille when no braille software
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In geveb mourns the loss of Frieda Johles Forman (z''l), whose contributions to the recovery of women who wrote in Yiddish continue to be foundational to Yiddish studies and have inspired so many. Julie Sharff's interview with with Forman, published last year, can be found here:
“We Collected Everything”: An Interview with Frieda Johles Forman | In An interview with a pioneering Yiddish feminist translator.
Marina Mayorski writes about Translating Jewish Multilingualism, a new collection of literary translations published by the journal Absinthe at the University of Michigan.
Translating Jewish Multilingualism | In Translation into English adds another layer to the intertwined legacy of translation and migration in the works presented in this recent volume.
Justine Orlovsky-Schnitzler reviews War­saw Tes­ta­ment by Rokhl Auer­bach, trans­lat­ed by Samuel Kas­sow, calling it "a fascinating and difficult read.... This is a watershed entry into the English canon of Holocaust testimony."
Review of Warsaw Testament by Rokhl Auerbach, trans­. Kassow | In This is a watershed entry into the English canon of Holocaust testimony.
In this long-form essay, Sunny S. Yudkoff offers a discussion of Andreas Mühe's "Mischpoche." : "What "Mischpoche" beckons is a Yiddish kvetsh—someone to squeeze the term, pinch and press it, articulate where the stress should fall."
Family Photos: A Yiddishist Looks at Mischpoche | In What Andreas Mühe's Mischpoche beckons is a Yiddish kvetsh—someone to squeeze the term, pinch and press it, articulate where the stress should fall.
In this piece of obser­va­tion­al jour­nal­ism, pub­lished in the Forverts in Sep­tem­ber of 1932, and newly translated by Jacob Morrow-Spitzer, the Yid­dish lit­er­ary writer and jour­nal­ist Israel Joshua Singer (1893−1944) describes his ear­ly encoun­ters with Black America.
װאָס י.י.זינגער האָט געזען אין די נעגער קאַבאַרעיס אין האַרלעם | What I. J. Singer Saw in the Black Cabarets in Harlem | In A translation of I. J. Singer's reportage on Harlem cabarets.
This past October, Mordechai Walfish spent a week in Lodz, Poland – the birth city of his grandmother, Henia Reinhartz, and her sister, Chava Rosenfarb. Lodz declared 2023, Rosenfarb’s centennial, the “Year of Chava Rosenfarb”. Walfish reflects on the experience here.
2023, the “Year of Chava Rosenfarb” in Lodz | In A future beyond anything Rosenfarb dared to imagine is now present, and it exists alongside the painful past.
Benna Kessler, Victoria McNeill, Jay Lewkowitz and Tamara Gleason Freidberg answer our questions about the rewards and challenges of using Yiddish with older adults.
Using Yiddish in Working with Older Adults: A Conversation | In A conversation about the rewards and challenges of using Yiddish with older adults.
Claire LeFoll reviews a two volume set of Moyshe Kulbak's poetry presented in the Yiddish original, Belarusian translation, and Latin transliteration, gathered, introduced, edited by Siarhej Šupa.
Review of Moyshe Kulbak's Ale lider un poemen, edited by Siarhej Šupa | In In two volumes, Siarhej Šupa brings Moyshe Kulbak's complete poetry to readers in the Yiddish original, Belarusian translation, and Latin transliteration.
Rebecca Margolis reviews Jonah Corne and Monika Vrečar’s Yiddish Cinema: The Drama of Troubled Communication: She writes, "[this work] suggests innovative and fruitful ways that scholarship in media studies can be applied to Yiddish cinema."
Review of Jonah Corne and Monika Vrečar's Yiddish Cinema: The Drama of Troubled Communication | In Yiddish Cinema: The Drama of Troubled Communication suggests innovative and fruitful ways that scholarship in media studies can be applied to Yiddish cinema.
This collection — the intimate letters and a diary of an early twentieth century Zionist politician— was saved from oblivion by chance, found in a pile of trash in Israel. Through various intermediaries, the collection then ended up at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw.
Briv funem arkhiv: Mojzesz Frostig, saved from the trash heap of history | In This collection — the intimate letters and a diary of an early twentieth century Zionist politician— was saved from oblivion by chance, found in a pile of trash
Golda van der Meer reviews Mon­tage: Works by Deb­o­ra Vogel, trans­. Anas­tasiya Lyubas (White Goat Press, 2023). "This small hardcover book is a perfect gem for those who want to introduce themselves to Vogel’s poetry."
Review of Montage: Works by Debora Vogel, trans. Lyubas | In This small hardcover book is a perfect gem for those who want to introduce themselves to Vogel’s poetry.
"Whether or not The Zone of Interest is a good film does not hinge on the usage of a minute-long melody. But I do believe its employment tells us the film was impeccably researched by a Jewish director with a clear vision for who ought to say what, and when." - Justine Orlovsky-Schnitzler
Yiddish and the Jewish Voice in The Zone of Interest | In Whether or not The Zone of Interest is a good film does not hinge on the usage of a minute-long melody. But I do believe its employment tells us the film was im
Eli Rubin translates Avrohom Eliyohu Plotkin's “Kaddish Denied” or “The Living Orphan” Rubin explains that the story helps us under­stand the con­tin­u­ing sig­nif­i­cance of Chabad’s Sovi­et era strug­gle for the sur­vival of Jew­ish learn­ing and prac­tice.
"בלי קדיש“ או "דער לעבעדיקער יתום" | "Kaddish Denied" or "The Living Orphan" | In Avrohom Eliyohu Plotkin served as the rabbi of Ostashkov, a provincial town midway between Moscow and Leningrad, after the Russian Revolution, at a time when th
Magdalena Kozłowska & Maria Slawek review the concert inaugurating this year’s POLIN Music Festival: "It is clear that the festival curator, Kajetan Prochyra, is constantly seeking new inspirations for Jewish music... and engaging in interesting international collaborations."
New Inspirations for Jewish Music: A Review of the Concert Inaugurating this Year's POLIN Music Festival | In The POLIN Music Festival is an event dedicated to the broad spectrum of Jewish music. This year, the concert inaugurating the 6th edition of the festival took p
Lada Moskalets reviews Isaac Bashevis Singer’s play “Enemies: A Love Story," performed at Lviv’s Maria Zankovetska Theater. The play premiered on November 23, 2023 and is still running.
Review of Isaac Bashevis Singer's Bashevis Singer's play takes on new meaning and relevance for Ukrainian audiences.
We have received a num­ber of respons­es to our col­lec­tion of Yiddish poetry about the war in Gaza, both in appre­ci­a­tion and in strong­ly felt cri­tique. We are grateful to these readers for sharing their thoughts, which we present to you here.
Loyt di Leyeners: Responses to “New Yiddish Poetry from the Israel-Gaza War” | In We are pleased to share these responses in order to broaden conversation about poetry in the midst of disaster.