
For my book: I'm seeking examples of a bird that had a striking reaction to losing its partner. Could be historical, from scientific literature, or personal experience. Or other impressive illustrations of pair bonding. Tell me a bird story?? šŸ§Ŗ
Not strictly pair bonding/partner loss but when the local crow pair lost a young in late autumn they were upset and on the lookout together for days. They were less interested in food and their behaviour was skittish. They sat next to each other, easily startled and fluttering. It was heartbreaking.
I read this book about a man living alone near the North Pole. He shot geese to eat. He tried to take mated pairs. Once he took a gander but missed his mate. The goose stayed behind circling and honking searching for her mate. He spent hours waiting for her to get low enough to take her too.