
Libraries are also one of the few community third spaces left that don't require participation in commerce to justify your presence. That's worth protecting.
Libraries and librarians are under attack in so many place in so many ways and I wanted to do something, so I made this image in support of them. You can download it or print it up to let folks know you support your libraries!
My favorite thing about libraries is that they are one of the last places that can recreate the feeling of wandering the aisles at Blockbuster and going home with a stack of movies because the covers looked cool.
This is one of the points I've repeatedly brought up wrt public libraries and free spaces for people regardless of income, status, means, etc.
Public libraries became a thing after the extension of the franchis to the working classes, on the basis that the electorate needed to be educated to make choices. Worth remembering that.
That explains why Republicans are coming after them.
My mom lives in this tiny little rural town. Population is only in the four figures. Politics in the area are deep deep red. Lots of rural poverty. And the county library is one of the most loved places in that town. There's story time. Outdoor movie nights. Everybody loves it and the people there.
Yes! Right now, two nearby libraries serve as sanctuaries for me.
Theres a book series (Quill & Still) where on of the things is that in order to be a town they are *required* to have free public libraries of a certain size for the population with mandatory sets of educational and reference or else they aren't recognized by the government. I think about that a lot
Every day is Christmas at the library and librarians are a combination of Santa Claus and Sherlock Holmes