
One last bump. I dunno, I feel the need to talk about this because I feel like I'm especially suited to disclosing my analytics. Iron Circus is having the best years of its existence; there's no possibility the drop in social media promo efficacy is just People Hate Us, Now. No, we are doing GREAT.
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
It's the social media that blows. It's so useless for independent artist self-promo, useless in a way it's never been before. I just picture ppl w/Etsy & commission-me pages out there dutifully posting links, wondering what they're doing wrong, why no one cares. It's not you. TWITTER IS SHIT NOW.
I wonder how much not being able to browse Twitter w/o being logged in has affected things. Twitter has NEVER been incredibly popular. It may have FELT big, but it never was. And now, unless you're directly linked to a tweet, you have to have an account. And who wants a new Twitter account in 2024?
This was my thought when Elmo said he was walling it off: he cut it off from any organic growth potential from outside. How does he expect it to grow when only existing users can see it? Noone wants to be on Tw now, & no news is important or unavailable enough elsewhere to need to create a Tw acct.
It's so annoying that even when you're linked to a tweet, you can't see the thread. I'm not going back, though.
I created a new one to monitor a couple of people and I have not liked nor commented on ANYTHING and my feed is just AWASH with bonkers right wing, christian nonsense. It seems to think I am both an opus dei catholic AND a mormon as well as being a white supremacist tech nerd that loves Elon.
Ugh, I didn’t even know they were doing that now. Yeah, that would erode some reach!
Requiring an account was such an incredibly boneheaded move. The main thing twitter had going for it was that it was a nice, centralized place for people to share stuff, and Musk hamstrung that because ???