
The right-wing trolls refuse to listen but they demand to be heard. Hard pass. Block them early and often.
Trolling + misinformation requires an audience: so when rather than responding, I simply block, they also perceive that as censorship. This latest accusation, for example, claims that, as a university professor, I am a public official and hence shouldn’t be allowed to block anyone on social media.
Have never understood the mindset that blocking someone was somehow cowardly, or contemptible, or against the rules. Nobody signed a contract they had to put up with stupid people's shit on a social app.
I’ve encountered it so many times and it’s almost always the same thing: 1. Extremely rude/vulgar post insulting me directly 2. I block 3. They post a pearl clutching “I guess this Princeton professor isn’t interested in being challenged by different views!”
They think because they have a right to their opinion, we are obligated to put up with having that opinion shoved in our face. It's a lot like their concept of freedom of speech--Yeah, they can say it, doesn't mean you can't give them shit for it.
People out there with the broadest assumptions about their privilege are the ones who think everyone owes them their time & patient attention & good faith engagement with their debate club shit. My time on this earth is short & they are not owed a single second of it, or an ounce of my respect.