🦋Bree With Me🦋

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🦋Bree With Me🦋


🔞NSFW. 30-ish fanfic writer and Reylo trash digger. *Also on Tumblr, Twitter and AO3 as ishipstarwars*
✨️Superposition- Chapter 2✨️ Ben's eyes narrow in suspicion. “Do you have something- a cowl or something that I can put on?” Rey grins and bats her lashes at him. “No, but I'm sure there's another way we could warm you up.” archiveofourown.org/works/56275387/ #SuperpositionFic #Reylofic
***SAVE THE DATES!*** 👻August 4-10: Reylo Summerween Week 🦇August 19: #Reyloween24 prompt list drops 💀September 2: Weekly promotion posts begin 🎃October 1: #Reyloween24 begins, AO3 collection goes live #Reylo #Reylofic #Reyloart
Why yes, I am using *that* line and turning it around for Chapter 2 of #SuperpositionFic 😏 Superposition: archiveofourown.org/works/56275387/ #ReyloWW #Reylofic
🎃REYLO SUMMERWEEN WEEK☀️ Make it summer. Make it spooky. Make it Reylo! 🎃Daily prompts run from August 4-10 ☀️Adjacent ships welcome 🎃AO3 collection coming soon ☀️Tag your works #ReyloSummerween24 #Reylofic #Reyloart
🎃REYLO SUMMERWEEN WEEK☀️ Can't wait until October to get spooky? Then stay tuned for this summer treat! The list of daily prompts will be announced on Monday! #ReyloSummerween24 #Reylofic
And here we have Pet Husband Ben Solo being put in his place 😏 Superposition: archiveofourown.org/works/56275387/ #SuperpositionFic #ReyloWW #Reylofic
Here's your first look at Chapter 2 of #SuperpositionFic! Read Chapter 1 here: archiveofourown.org/works/56275387/ #ReyloSSS #Reylofic
We’re all busy working away on fun things to share with each other, and I would love to see some of them. 👀 Happy #ReyloSSS all!
It's never too early to get ready for #Reyloween24! #Reylo 🦋 + #Halloween👻= a scary good time🎃
✨️Superposition✨️ For a witch of Dathomir, having a big, strong husband under her control is an undeniable symbol of power. This is the story of how Rey claims hers. ✨️Modern Magical AU ✨️Pet Husband ✨️#SuperpositionFic archiveofourown.org/works/56275387/ #Reylofic
Superposition is coming to AO3 next week! Here's one last preview featuring Rey's soon-to-be pet husband 😁 #ReyloWW #Reylofic #SuperpositionFic
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? A pin? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
Cw/injury Witch Rey has found herself the perfect pet husband- he just doesn't know it yet. Here's another preview and moodie for Superposition, coming soon to AO3! #ReyloWW #Reylofic #SuperpositionFic
New preview for #SuperpositionFic coming tomorrow for ReyloWW!
~*Mine For Tonight*~ a canonverse story for #dryhumpalooza *NOW COMPLETE* “I would worship you." Thick fingers pushed up the hem of her dress. "I would do it because I want you. Just you, Rey.” archiveofourown.org/works/55549327… #Reylofic
Chapter 2 of Mine For Tonight is coming on TUESDAY! Until then, here's one last preview! Catch up on the story here: archiveofourown.org/works/555493... #ReyloSSS #dryhumpalooza #Reylofic
Show me all your #ReyloSSS 👀
/NSFW Here's the latest preview of Mine For Tonight Chapter 2! Chapter 1: archiveofourown.org/works/55549327/ #ReyloWW #dryhumpalooza #Reylofic
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip or moodie? Video? Crafts? Something for #mermay? Something else? Let's see those fabulous WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
Forgot to share link 💀 I've relaunched my Kickstarter for my Reylo enamel pins! Please help share and/or support it! By sharing it, you are also eligible for a giveaway of the pins! Check the page for details <3 www.kickstarter.com/projects/lis... #reyloart #Kickstarter #Reylo
Reylo Enamel Pin Collectionwww.kickstarter.com Art nouveau-inspired enamel pins of Reylo!
#MayThe4thBeWithYou ! Of course I made it about reylo. There are a lot of ups and downs in SW fandom, but I am forever grateful that it brought to my life the most wonderful, kind and talented people 💜 #reylo #reyloart
Here's a little treat for revenge of the 5th. Dark reylo AU will always have a special place in my heart 🖤 #reylo #reyloart
~*Mine For Tonight*~ a canonverse story for #dryhumpalooza Rey Palpatine, heir to the Emperor and unwilling political pawn, has been ordered to save her virtue for her future husband. That doesn't stop her from satisfying her needs in other ways. #Reylofic archiveofourown.org/works/55549327…
Here's one last preview of Mine For Tonight, my canonverse oneshot coming April 29 for #dryhumpalooza! #ReyloWW #Reylofic
It's WIP Wednesday! Share your WIPs! Are you working on a drawing, painting or other #reyloart? Your latest fic? A manip? Video? Something for #dryhumpalooza #maythe4th or #mermay? Let's see those fantastic WIPs! Tag them #reyloww - would love to see them & will RT!
Here's your first look at Mine For Tonight, a canonverse oneshot coming April 29 for #dryhumpalooza! #ReyloSSS #Reylofic
Happy #ReyloSSS all!! Now I know you are writing all sorts of delicious things—show me?
This is now 10 chapters I’m too tired to crosspost but I love y’all!
Free Broom Rides Rated E | 6? (15,356 words) Rey and Ben retreat to the High Council... and meet his mother. #freebroomridesfic archiveofourown.org/works/509684...
💐 Seven Suitors 💐 NOW COMPLETE “Show me, Ben.” Her fingertips skimmed up and down his waist to encourage him. “Show me how a man beds his wife.” archiveofourown.org/works/47467063… #SevenSuitorsFic #Reylofic
Lady Palpatine and Lord Organa are finally getting their happy ending. The final chapter of #SevenSuitorsFic is coming TOMORROW 🥳🥳🥳 Seven Suitors: archiveofourown.org/works/47467063/ #ReyloWW #Reylofic
This will probably be the last preview I share for #SevenSuitorsFic. I'm almost done, and I'm so sorry this is taking me forever to write 🥺 Seven Suitors: archiveofourown.org/works/474670... #ReyloSSS
Happy #ReyloSSS all! What are we working on today?
describing my #dryhumpalooza fic badly: Sith princess discovers the best ride in the galaxy is on a smuggler's lap 😏
Today starts our first promo for #dryhumpalooza ! We have two just in case you're still formulating through plot: Describe your fic badly Or Spoilers without context
Sorry I'm late for #ReyloWW! Coming April 29 for #dryhumpalooza! ~*Mine For Tonight*~ a canonverse oneshot Rey Palpatine, heir to the Emperor and unwilling political pawn, must save her virtue for her future husband. That doesn't stop her from satisfying her needs in other ways. #Reylofic