
If Israel's war in Gaza has taught me anything about online, its that a really, really, really large number of guys who have spent years gleefully making jokes about how rad the ANC, the Vietcong, or the Red Army were, or how Amerikkka deserves to perish, were just liberals having a Fun Time.
It's a lot harder to have a real ideology when it's all made up. When it's all just cosplay. Israel is a real colonial power. The Palestinians are real colonized people in a real struggle for real justice against very, very real monsters.
I've learned a lot about who really cares about them, and who, at the end of the day, is most concerned with the homies they made on their birthright trip 15 years ago.
For the record, I've got family in Israel, too. My wife is Israeli. I know the deal. And I'm simply not interested in bothsidesing apartheid. Alright, back to Ruthposting.
Disconcerting how many ppl who think they can understand and flag propaganda are so easily duped by the propaganda trip!