
Sitting at my desk working and hear a big splash in the pool and I know who it is! I hope he wasn't too freaked out by all of the fireworks last night, poor big buddy.
i think approaching and touching brown bears is fine as long as you say “who’s a good boy” while you do it
This is random, but as someone who's always been around (domesticated) animals: approach slowly, hand canted down, and hand held loosely out, knuckles first, fingers dangling. (Well, anyway, this works for dogs - they want to smell you before you get close)
Yeah, a bear will fucking kill you if you try that. They're beautiful, magnificent creatures and *incredibly* territorial, especially brown bears. Bears are not dogs. And it isn't a pleasant death.
This is a black bear in Southern California. They’re pretty timid in most circumstances.
From what I've read about North American bears, they mostly follow standard predator logic, in that if they don't think they can kill you / eat you without harming themselves, they'll kind of default to apathy, unless the human is cornering them / approaching too close.
(also, random aside: I lose my mind every time I see that video of a black bear wandering up to a picnic and some dude in shorts has the SOLID BRASS BALLS to "shoo" the bear away. And not to be humiliated, the bear takes one half-hearted "fuck you too" swat at the guy's leg before wandering off.
Our biggest concern is going outside at night and accidentally startling one, particularly a mom with cubs. Our house rule is to open the door, loudly say "hello bears!", wait a few seconds, and then go out.
And that approach is basically true of nearly any "dangerous" larger animal. They attack when startled - standard fight-or-flight. So don't startle them. Bears know they're big, so they're not SCARED per se, but that also means they know they can win many fights.
But I also think a lot of people have a misperception that meat-eaters (and bears are actually mostly vegetarian or fish eaters) just go around trying to murder anything and everything in their path. And a once wise woman said "ain't nobody got time for that!"