
I am weirdly pollyannish about Harris/Dem X versus Trump. The "cheapfake/selective video" convo fits better with Harris - bc she makes little news, all people see of her are the wackiest/loopiest quotes. The basic "you lied to us and said Biden could handle it" problem is bigger.
I think this is all a very absurd overreaction but if it gets us President Harris I'm down.
I’m old enough to remember when Dems were bedwetting about Obama after his first debate with Romney.
So am I and I'm also old enough to remember this isn't remotely the same scenario
Yes, Obama was running against a good candidate, not a convicted felon who also has been found liable for raping a woman and for trying to overturn an election. But, you know, he’s 4 years younger than the other guy and that’s all the difference. 🙄
So that second candidate should be a cakewalk in a debate, right?
Nope. Point is - debates are useless. People tend to freak out over them or show false confidence, but ultimately, they don’t have the effect so many think they do. Biden is old. Trump is nuts. And also old. Hillary wipes the floor with Trump and lost. The debate freakouts are useless.
Lmao come on. Trump and CNN set the bar so low anyone should have been able to tip toe over it. He failed that task spectacularly. I also think debates are useless but y'all better get a handle on the Dem party apparatchiks who are driving this "replace Biden" conversation right now.
The people freaking out are the Dem party establishment who were calling MSNBC last night and saying Biden needs to drop out. I saw exactly what I expected last night.
This is who they are. Dems are known for being panicky bedwetters for a reason. The rest of us ignore them and move along.