
A 9-year daily campaign of hate and lies against him from the entire UK press, but his constituents know the truth. Absolutely smashed it. 24,120 votes compared to the 16,873 the right-wing, private healthcare Red Tory wanker Labour ran against him.
HE DID IT (this is what labour call ‘close’ apparently)
Makes me sick that they stopped us having a PM and a Party that would’ve brought genuine, positive change to the lives of so many, instead of the continuation of the status quo we’re getting now.
Same thing the world over. A right wing press puppeteers the people into voting for right wing wanker after eighth wing wanker with the occasional centrist they then rip to pieces as too left wing in between
France right now has been darkly amusing because the coverage went from “ugh, both extremes must be tackled, sod them”, “oh wait, we centrists look bad, let’s piggyback onto an actually sensible course of action”, to now some framing as “see, we centrists were smart to align with the left”
Yeah, one of the very few things to smile about last night. The crowing from the right-wing ghouls in the party is going to be bad enough as it is, I don't think I could've taken their glee at winning his seat.
Centrist types on here were crowing about how he was going to lose (over reports that some were voting for Labour via post because they thought he was still with the party) too. Hope those people are annoyed.
so many people will be. the piss boiler remains operational.
Piss boiling will be necessary, as I don’t think energy costs are going down this year either
I hear you, yet somehow, I think they are going to be even more insanely angry, malicious and bitter... They wanted total annihilation and didn't get it. It's going to be delicious watching them all implode as Reeves pushes austerity & Streeting guts the NHS. ppl will get very very angry, fast
The attempts at justifcation when they just continue all the Tory shit will be something to see
I'm so look forward to the whole house of cards collapsing on them and see Starmer looking about 90 years old within a year