Jack Tindale

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Jack Tindale


Freelance Bernard Woolley Impersonator
People at cchq will really be like "you believe in funding public services? that pales in effectiveness to my strategy, abolishing inheritance tax" and then not abolishing inheritance tax
I have to say that I do like the glasses. Really does give him massive SPD Minister vibes. Këir von un zu Stürmer: Brandenburg State Secretary for Transport, Digitisation and Everything To Do With The Sorbs.
Hbomb ending up as a Letby Truther seems sadly inevitable.
It’s Tobias Fünke’s world. We’re just living in it.
"Same Old Labour" is properly retro, 1996, back of the fag packet, Distilled Majorpunk. I'm hearing the opening music to The Brittas Empire just by seeing it.
Typical Kennedy. Ending up with something in his head that shouldn’t be there.
Literally everyone: Why did you accept Elphicke’s defection?! Labour Whips:
My favourite bit of the West Midlands Mayoral Election was when Andy Street went “it’s streetin’ time” and streeted all over those guys.
I am hearing that on her deathbed Susan Hall received the light of Islam and unhesitatingly recited the Shahada. Even now she looks down on the Ummah from the gardens of Jannah. Truly there is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his prophet!
so long suckers! i rev up my london mayoral campaign motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead by the ulez camera
Pouring one out for Pat McFadden, who now can't even find an excuse to take Ed Miliband to a nice farm upstate.
the haters said Susan Hall couldn’t do it. and they were correct. honestly great call from the haters
I think it’s very telling that the last Tory Chair who actually seemed to enjoy doing it was Theresa May.
Is there a worse job in politics than being Chairman of the Conservative Party? You spend all your time trying to look enthusiastic at rubber-chicken circuit campaign events comprised of elderly racists at terrible hotels, and after a year you lose six-hundred councillors and immediately get sacked.
Susan Hall, Susan Hall Closing on the Mayor Susan Hall, Susan Hall Make the ULEZ fair Thirty nine percent Fuck the kids who rent Susan Hall, Susan Hall, Susan Hall
"Tory Dinosaurs" is a bit phoned in. "Sir" Ed Hikegate must resign.
And just loooooooooooooooooook how happy he is.
Is there a worse job in politics than being Chairman of the Conservative Party? You spend all your time trying to look enthusiastic at rubber-chicken circuit campaign events comprised of elderly racists at terrible hotels, and after a year you lose six-hundred councillors and immediately get sacked.
Without a Mayor Sadiq London would really stink We wouldn’t have the ULEZ Or mid-sized ABBA gig We wouldn’t have a Night Tube Or renamed OG tracks It’s not the Mayor’s fault That the nightclubs all collapsed!
- Sorry, what happened to those nice Green Party activists who used to be here? - They've gone, sir. They've all gone. And we're back. - Who? - The incredibly socially conservative Aberdonians who still inexplicably vote SNP. www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk...
Humza Yousaf latest updates: Scotland's first minister to resign 'as early as Monday' - BBC Newswww.bbc.co.uk BBC News understands the SNP leader will quit after a row over a power-sharing deal with the Scottish Greens.
I find the demise of TalkTV fascinating because a media conglomerate who really should know better took one look at GB News and thought “hmmm, spending massive amounts of money on salaries for big ego presenters without putting any cash into infrastructure seems like a great idea. Let’s do that.”
A nice start to entering my Jesus Year.
Liz Truss’ book is insane.
There’s always something so utterly cringe about the Canadian right.
Rather telling that the usual sorts going on about how ultra-liberal legal system setting the de facto age of criminal responsibility at twenty-five are happy with using the same arguments to stop anyone younger than than for having a choice about their gender.