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He/Him. Queer ass nerd.
Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better 500 Days of Shrek
Remake a movie with Shrek and make it better The Assassination of Shrek the Ogre by the Coward Donkey
For some reason I can't quite put my finger on this snack is resonating with me...
My dad worked on a famous project while a documentary was being made. He didn't want to be in the documentary. Whenever a camera was pointed at him he started saying deranged stuff about Disney and Marvel properties so they couldn't use any of the footage.
What's something about you that sounds made up but it's not? Mine is one time I made a t shirt for my bicycle gang and it looked too much like a motorcycle club logo so I had to go before a Bandidos general and plead my case to use it and also not to be killed
90's PSA voice: Being gay doesn't make you mentally ill! [Does a sweet kickflip] It makes you siiiick! [Skateboards away]
End of feed.