Jakub Jaraczewski

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Jakub Jaraczewski


Research Coordinator at Democracy Reporting International, working on re:constitution programme. Rule of law in the EU. Full-time nerd, part-time military tech buff. Usual disclaimers. He/him. I'm a big fan of bios longer than 160 characters.
🇭🇺⚖️🇪🇺 Hungarian EU Council presidency and the rule of law, what to expect from six MEGA months of turning Europe into a global powerhouse it could never have been otherwise, or so at least the PM Orbán wants you to believe. 1/
🗳️As you get ready to go to the polls, do you know what the parties stand for?  📖As European parties gear up to renew their pledges to voters for the upcoming European Parliament elections, political manifestos and policy priorities are being unveiled. 
🇸🇰 🗳️By far, the biggest rule of law item in CEE this week is Saturday's second round of the Slovak presidential election, which is a paradox of sorts, given how relatively weak the SK president is. Despite that, the choice will have massive consequences for the country and EU. 1/
🇪🇺⚖️🇭🇺 I can now happily zoom out of Poland for a bit because the Commission has finally launched an infringement procedure against Hungary concerning the highly problematic Defence of National Sovereignty (should be: of The Proud Turkic Magyar Nation That Defies All) law introduced last year. 1/
🇵🇱⚖️Yesterday's events in Poland - the apprehension of (former) MPs from PiS who were hiding in the Presidential Palace behind literal (of President Duda) and legal (of captured courts) backs of institutions loyal to PiS shows that reforming Poland means tackling something of a deep state. 1/
I have a lot of respect for journalists who ask me for input and describe their outlet clearly, such as "magazine for Dutch boomers", "newspaper for horribly boring Finnish centrist people", "Spanish communists who love USSR website"
🇵🇱🚐🇩🇪 On my way to Berlin into a perfect storm of farmer demonstrations, temperatures well below zero and an upcoming DB strike. At least there's Glühwein.
🇺🇦 Kyiv today: along other damaged, a residential building has been hit, following yet another missile attack launched by Russia. Here in Solomians'kiy district, dozens of people have lost their homes, including a friend of mine whom I met by chance while filming.
🇮🇹⚖️🇪🇺 Your must-read for today are my @democracyreporting.bsky.social colleagues Nino Tsereteli and @meyer-resende.bsky.social for @politico.eu on the constitutional reform in Italy and the dangers it poses.
OPINION: Italian PM Giorgia Meloni's proposal to alter the constitution and the power relations of the Italian republic is eerily reminiscent of Benito Mussolini’s notorious Acerbo Law.
Meloni’s dangerous constitutional change in Italywww.politico.eu The Italian prime minister’s calculation isn’t hard to understand — her party has a comfortable lead in the polls, but it’s far from an overwhelming majority.
🇸🇰⚖️🇪🇺 Turning away from Poland for a bit, as other places in the region are going in the exact opposite direction: surprising nobody, the new Fico government in Slovakia set off to dismantle the rule of law, starting with the special anti-corruption prosecutor's office. 1/
Victor Orbán latest stunt to unfreeze EU funds for Hungary might be his strongest veto play to date. RENATA UITZ on Orbán's loud contestation of Ukraine’s EU accession, and the Russian inspired subsidiarity card in Hungary's latest sovereignty package. verfassungsblog.de/orbans-veto-...
Orbán’s Veto Play – The Subsidiarity Cardverfassungsblog.de Viktor Orbán is known to use veto threats in the European Council to get his way. This time, he was keen to see that after months of tense exchanges with the Commission, Hungary gets access to EU fun...
🇵🇱⚖️ ECtHR issued a Polish abortion judgement (M.L. v Poland), finding the unlawful composition of the Polish Constitutional Tribunal in the 2020 abortion case to be one of the elements in violation of the right to private life. A landmark decision with significant rule of law implications. 1/
🇵🇱🚅🇵🇱⚖️ On my way to that city for two very special rule of law days. If you want to talk to me about what shapes up to be the hottest week in the Polish rule of law saga this year, drop me a line.
🇵🇱🇫🇷🇳🇱⚖️🇺🇸🗽 💛🖤💛 What are the odds of being in New York exactly at the same time as @jmorijn.bsky.social and @profpech.bsky.social? Pretty low, but we did it anyway. Very glad to finally meet Laurent and John's students in person!
🇺🇸🗽 New York in one sentence.
🗽🇺🇸 So, who's in NYC next week?
🇵🇱⚖️🇷🇺 Remember "Lex Tusk"? This evening, Sejm will vote to remove all members of the controversial "committee to investigate Russian influence on Polish national security 2007-2022", which was ultimately established earlier this year but took no action of any significance. 1/
🇨🇿⚖️On Thursday, I had the immense pleasure of speaking at the conference "Making Human Rights a Reality: Implementation of International Human Rights Obligations at the National Level" organised by the Office of the Czech Government Agent before intl courts. Fantastic event!
🇪🇺⚖️🗳️ Please welcome my organisation, @democracyreporting.bsky.social which has finally made its way here! Follow us for updates on our work on democracy and the rule of law in Europe and beyond.
🇩🇪🇪🇺⚖️🇵🇱 A very convincing article in FAZ by @mpil.de public law experts on how to repair the rule of law in Poland ... without breaking EU law along the way. Spieker and von Bogdandy address some of the radical calls for restoring lawfulness by removing people from their jobs/promotions. 1/
Publication alert! Armin von Bogdandy und ich äußern uns in der @faznet.bsky.social dazu, wie Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Polen unter einer neuen Regierung wiederhergestellt werden kann. Es sind eher nachdenkliche Töne - denn einfach wird's nicht. @mpil.de www.faz.net/einspruch/po...
ECJ is currently processing a request for preliminary ruling from one of Poland's fake PiS Sup Court judge when it ought to summarily dismiss request. What's more: This is a PR request fake judge is using to undermine compliance with ECtHR ruling, hence this unusual request addressed to CoE CoM
Uk Supreme Court DISMISSES Home Secretary’s appeal and agrees with the Court of Appeal’s decision. Substantial grounds for believing asylum seekers at real risk of refoulement if sent to Rwanda.
🇪🇺⚖️🇭🇺🇵🇱 Ahead of today's General Affairs Council, a group of NGOs published a letter concerning Art 7 TEU procedure on Hungary and Poland, which is very interesting and not just because they cite the earlier Art 7 study by @profpech.bsky.social and yours truly. 1/
🇺🇦⚖️🗳️ We're returning to Kyiv - Democracy Reporting International is re:establishing its office in Ukraine, missiles be damned. We're recruiting a team, starting with a country director to lead our efforts to support democracy and the rule of law during wartime. Share widely and apply! 1/
🇵🇱🐐🥐 Warsaw has Independence Day (and a nationalist rally), and we in Poznań have Saint Martin's Day and these chonky units. No contest!
🇪🇺🇲🇩🇷🇴 Between Moldova advancing its EU accession bid and Romania ousting Russia from its traditional seat at the International Court of Justice, this week I wish all the best to the mutton sausage culture zone (don't ask, but that's what some Poles instinctively associate with the area).
"It is, and always will be, free"
🇵🇱⚖️🇲🇩🇦🇱🇺🇦 It seems like discussions fixing the rule of law in Poland will best involve people with experience in reforming the courts and vetting judges from countries such as Ukraine, Albania and Moldova, which faced similar challenges. This will be a fascinating reversal of roles.
The Dutch party system is spiritually CEE in the mid-90s
The Peilingwijzer poll of polls for the Netherlands has been updated to include the latest poll of I&O Research. 📊 📈 All graphs & figures: https://peilingwijzer.tomlouwerse.nl/ Source I&O Research: https://is.gd/YjD6dw