
Let's ignore Biden and Trump for a moment and look at third-party candidates. We have a college professor whose entire campaign is "Obama didn't give me a job in '08 so fuck the Democrats," a doctor who believes Wi-Fi might give kids cancer, and "worms ate my brain" guy. So... I'm voting Biden.
This country (and all Western countries) will have to deal with the fact that the system becomes so ineffective (even for the Biden administration that did *A LOT*) because two parties are taking turns and controlling the entire flow. I'd like the Green Party to become *really* big
I am no supporter of the two-party system (nor the electoral college, which... oi). My frustration with "voting third-party" is that folks think you ONLY need the President to make it work. For a third party to take hold, they need to win at lower levels: local, state, and congressional elections.
We need to channel our frustration into more constructive actions that build the future we want instead of waiting for it (I don't say that specifically to you. I do not have voting rights)
Dr. Cornell West and Dr. Jill Stein.
I haven't seen evidence of the things you said about them but tbh they've fucked up badly enough in other ways that your end point about them being trash candidates is correct regardless
The curse of being a Political Science major who wanted to be a journalist is that I've spent the past 20+ years following American politics *for fun*, so I remember when these were coming up in real-time (around 2016, for West and Stein). Also, don't study PoliSci. You'll be much happier. 😂
Honestly the second biggest reason not to study polisci for me is that I probably would not trust any of my teachers
Oh, my professor was dope. He was very much a "if you want to dismantle the system you first need to know how it works" sort of bloke.