James Scheibner

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James Scheibner


Academic researcher in bioethics, public health ethics, data privacy, patent, copyright, open source licensing, technology transfer, citizen science and access to justice. Plays lap steel, MTG and Dwarf Fortress in my spare time. Opinions my own.
It is always fascinating to watch real time editing of a Wikipedia article when it is a current event (without detracting from the horror of said event).
Unfortunate news
The WTO is about to announce that it will not extend the June 17, 2022 decision on TRIPS and COVID 19 to therapeutics or diagnostics, given opposition by US, EU, etc, and drug manufacturers, and not discuss at the Ministerial.
An interesting article by Doctorow on what happens if and when the generative AI bubble collapses: locusmag.com/2023/12/comm...
Always a huge privilege to hear the Honourable Michael Kirby speak #aahbl2023
Do yourself a favour, and check out The Brave Locomotive by Andrew Chesworth on YouTube. A beautiful piece of animation, and if you love trains and big brass bands this is the story for you: youtu.be/l8mScKWj3kQ?...
The Brave Locomotiveyoutu.be In this Old West musical tale with 1940s flair, a fearless little train and his engineer confront obsolescence as bigger, faster, and more automated machines...
Realise this isn’t the most important thing in the world, but there’s been some movement at the station over the proposed pandemic treaty. There’s currently a fight between HIC and LMIC over whether a time limited IP waiver should be included: www.politico.com/newsletters/...
Pharma sees a threat in pandemic treatywww.politico.com
Just received this -- a fresh phishing campaign aimed at Protonmail users that abuses legitimate infrastructure. #infosec
Hopefully this result might see the end of the political campaign exemption in Australian privacy law, particularly given the No campaign’s predilections for spam texts.
"X is now an app that forcibly puts abhorrent content into users’ feeds and then rewards financially the people who were the most successful in producing it" Twitter has become the premier destination for hate online. Very sad www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
The Moral Case for No Longer Engaging With Elon Musk’s Xwww.bloomberg.com The former Twitter is incentivizing violent content, which will only become worse to stand out to users.
1) Whether legislation facilitates or acts as a barrier to public sector data sharing (so exciting) and 2) the role that open source scientific software and licensing plays in the digital infrastructure of science (my magnificent octopus)
Bluesky academics, let's get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren't working on but keep thinking about. Here's mine: - Whether we can have statehood without inhabitable land. - The legal-philosophical symbolism in Wagner's Ring.
An utterly dreadful data leak if confirmed :(
“The initial data leak was… 1 million lines of data for Ashkenazi people.” “The information… includes full names, usernames, profile photos, sex, date of birth, genetic ancestry results, and geographical location.” Well, that’s surely not going to be a fucking problem. (sarcastically) 🧪
Genetics firm 23andMe says user data stolen in credential stuffing attackwww.bleepingcomputer.com 23andMe has confirmed to BleepingComputer that it is aware of user data from its platform circulating on hacker forums and attributes the leak to a credential-stuffing attack.
Oh no Slovakia, and after such promising exit polls too. There are some positives though - two (maybe three) of the worst scumbag parties won’t meet the threshold and the progressives will have a solid block. Still, a sad result.
A phenomenal presentation by Donnella Mills from the National Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisation on how lawyers can play an essential role in integrated care, along with an incredible story.
Now listening to Sabra Lane talking about news avoidance and public health misinformation #AustPHC2023
Here for Professor Deb Gleeson’s presentation on the WHO pandemic accord at #AustPHC2023
1) First time posting on BlueSky! Woohoo! 2) Listening to a fascinating presentation at the Public Health Association of Australia conference on public health and law in Nipaluna, Hobart 3) If you know me from the other place say hi
End of feed.