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Retired accountant, grandmother, liberal, skeptical, atheist. My kids grew up to be a sci-fi/furry writer and a therapist - both difficult professions. (she/they)
A heavy package arrived yesterday. I knew it was kitty litter, & left it out there. I went out to bring it in a few minutes ago and realized that someone had climbed up two flights of steps and taken the large, heavy box. Seems like a disappointing thing to steal. I hope the thief has cats.
For those of you who are choosing NOT to vaccinate your children and think that diseases like measles is nothing to worry about, please read these accounts of people who've experienced measles and the aftermath. (bypasses paywall) wapo.st/3RVXw6F
Isolation, extreme fatigue, lingering misery: What it’s like to survive measleswapo.st Measles is back, after vaccination largely eliminated it from the United States. Survivors describe having one of the most contagious diseases on Earth.
My dog, George, is cowering under my desk, shaking. Some people in the neighborhood are igniting illegal fireworks. All consumer fireworks are illegal in Eugene since October 2022. It's hot and dry out, folks, and fireworks are just NOT a good idea.
Justice Roberts complained about the dissenting justices, telling them "calm down, ladies." What an entitled prick. They are clear-eyed jurists: you, a corrupt, bought hack with a lifetime appointment and no ethics. Also the other 5 corrupt hacks who concurred with your ruling.
So, as a hypothetical, could Joe Biden order SEAL Team 6 to eliminate 6 SCOTUS justices as an official act with immunity?
I am burned out from receiving too many text messages, and have decided to unsubscribe from ALL political appeals for money. I already pay a monthly contribution to the Biden campaign, Planned Parenthood, and some others...I don't want to give my cell# to anyone anymore.
Sexual predation of children is horrible, but when it is done by police officers it is beyond horrible. These predators should pay by losing their freedom, and never be put in a position of authority again - but that is frequently NOT what happens. wapo.st/3KCVHYa
Abused by the badgewapo.st Hundreds of police officers in the United States have sexually abused children, a Post investigation found. In many cases, the officers have avoided prison time.
1/Food allergies can be a problem, but this is an interesting study following a group of children from infancy through age 12. "At about age 12, 15.4 percent of children who had avoided peanuts in infancy to age 5 had developed an allergy, compared with 4.4 percent who had consumed wapo.st/4dSV8qN
Babies exposed to peanuts less likely to be allergic years later, study sayswapo.st An author of the study said the correlation was “extraordinary.” She advised parents that “plain old peanut butter mixed in warm water can work.”
“…the country cannot become whole until it confronts what was not a chapter in its history, but the basis of its economic and social order.” Caste: The Origin of Our Discontent, Isabel Wilkerson
1/When my kids were 9 and 6, their paternal grandmother was diagnosed at age 70 with "early onset Alzheimer's" - two years later, she died at home. She showed symptoms of declining mental capacity for a decade before the diagnosis - wapo.st/3VdsSru
Perspective | When dementia becomes too much to handle, this tool offers guidancewapo.st A free online tool offers free training in a comprehensive approach to managing neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia.
My homeowners' insurance now and 6 years ago. Same company. Same coverage. No claims filed. The insurance industry is a huge scam, meant only to enrich itself, not to protect policyholders. @Allstate Amount: $1312.82 Payment Date: 05/08/2024 Amount: $465.28 Date: 05/10/2018
6 of the 9 justices on the Supreme Court are political hacks. I have NO respect for them or their decisions. They clearly have no respect for the rule of law, precedent, or the US Constitution. They are not doing their job, and some of them (looking at you, Alito and Thomas) are outright corrupt.
Just in case you are in a location where the weather is clear and the eclipse is visible. Gift article, bypasses paywall. wapo.st/3VQZqbo
My younger daughter and her husband own a Tesla, and apparently Tesla owners were all given self-driving software for free until the end of the month. This sounds so on-brand for Elon Musk - using people as beta testers without full disclosure.
This is the fallout of our broken immigration and asylum system at the southern border - women are being targeted for sexual violence by cartels. Congress needs to act!!! www.msnbc.com/alex-wagner-...
I had United Healthcare insurance for 1yr. Switched ASAP. Most intrusive health insurer I have ever dealt with in 7 decades. It is disturbing UH is buying up medical practices in OR - maybe more disturbing than having the Catholic Church own most hospitals. www.oregonlive.com/business/202...
1/US conservatives who believe that this scene is prescient about today's progressives miss the point. THEY are the ones banning books, trying to control thought, speech, gender presentation, women's bodies, and fomenting violence. www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/3...
For those interested in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (aka ME/CFS), a landmark study funded by NIH finds that "ME/CFS is unambiguously biological, with multiple organ systems affected." www.sciencealert.com/landmark-stu...
The In Memoriam section of the Academy Awards was horrible. Too busy by far. The multiple screens were difficult to follow and hard to read. The spotlight seemed to be on the singers and dancers, instead of on the folks who died during the last year. All kinds of wrong.
Just listened to last night's State of the Union speech by President Biden. It was a masterful, passionate, and extremely coherent speech that lasted over an hour. The other guy can't be coherent for 5 minutes. I am voting for Biden.
This week's "Why Is This Happening? The Chris Hayes Podcast" - A Mediapocalypse? with Ben Smith, is a really interesting discussion between two journalists about changes in the landscape and business model of news - newspapers, tv news, publishing, internet.