Janice Leagra

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Janice Leagra


Write|Art|Edit, she/her; unapologetic swearer & lover of naughty humor; hopeful cynic
Once longlisted for Bridport Prize FF comp
EIC: Janus Literary
Visual Ed: Splonk
Art portfolio: janiceleagra.myportfolio.com
from "A City Like a Guillotine Shivers on Its Way to the Neck" Ilya Kaminsky #poetry
This is the last #mpotd prompt for a bit as I take a short break. See you sometime in June.
Here's the 31 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Edward Burtynsky
Here's the 31 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Edward Burtynsky
The 30 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): BEFORE. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt
Reposted byAvatar Janice Leagra
In a few days, #mpotd is going on a break, but will be back. Meanwhile, keep creating. Go to an art museum website and pick a photo as a prompt. Open a book and select a random word as a prompt.
Here's the 29 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Maxime Ballesteros
Reposted byAvatar Janice Leagra
Stick it to the man Stick it inside me Stick I threw A little distance away. A little further than I intended to go. Sticky Situations. Substances. Sayings that meant everything to me though they never stuck where intended. Left empty handed, without my stick. #mpotd
The 28 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): STICK. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt
In a few days, #mpotd is going on a break, but will be back. Meanwhile, keep creating. Go to an art museum website and pick a photo as a prompt. Open a book and select a random word as a prompt.
The 28 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): STICK. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt
Evie pulled him from his seat, led him to the dance floor. She placed his hand on her hip. He kept it there. She was always leading him. Ever since they were kids.He could feel Miriam watching from the table. The song was something about the moon. It didn't matter. Not really. #mpotd
Here's the 23 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Malcolm Liepke
Reposted byAvatar Janice Leagra
pins and needles as we lie night tangled I discover pain in pleasure my body made of stars #whistpr (needle) #mpotd (discover) #MayTanka (pain)
Here's the 27 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Paola Luther
They were back. He looked the same. Better looking than his brother. She remembered all summers ago, those lips. They had ruined her. Ever since, she couldn't...not without... No one else had ever wanted to suck her toes. She never could tell her sister, explain the allure, the ache. #mpotd
Here's the 25 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Jeffrey Chong Wang
The 26 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): DISCOVER. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt
Here's the 25 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Jeffrey Chong Wang
Reposted byAvatar Janice Leagra
Her clay mask was sculpted by hate both given and received, its features twisted into a dire warning. It served her well, but it was a heavy burden to bear. Sustained by humidity and the tears it hid, the desert air stripped its strength. In the gentlest breeze, the first #crack took shape. #mpotd
The 24 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): CRACK. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt
Reposted byAvatar Janice Leagra
Blessed are the ones who've #cracked, for they shall let the light in - and with the right amount love, understanding and time, we shall slowly heal them, until they can shine by themselves again. #mpotd (with a little help from Groucho Marx)
The 24 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): CRACK. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt
The 24 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): CRACK. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt
Here's the 23 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Malcolm Liepke
The 22 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): CLOUD. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt
Here's the 21 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Mircea Suciu
The 20 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): NOTHING. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt
Here's the 19 May image for micro prompt of the day. I'll post a prompt word or image. Write a micro using the prompt word/inspired by the image. Use hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post.* #writingprompt Credit: Misha Bart
Reposted byAvatar Janice Leagra
I miss sparklers. Fair wands topped with fractals of light. The circles we stood in, figures of eight scribbled into the night. Faces lit from below, fleshy crevices made cavernous. The tension as sparks inched closer to infant fingers. #mpotd
The 18 May word prompt for #mpotd (micro prompt of the day): FIGURE. I'll post a prompt word/image. Write a micro using the word/inspired by the image. Use the hashtag #mpotd. Stay w/in 300 characters. *It helps if you quote post the prompt post instead of replying.* #writingprompt