
Krissy did not read a lot of science fiction before she met me, no (she had read fantasy, of the supernatural sort). She reads quite a lot of SF/F now. Her feedback is less about the genre and more about general readability.
Are your books something Krissy would naturally read on her own or no? What kind of stuff does she normally read? I am curious from a feedback perspective whether her being into that genre or NOT being into that genre would be more helpful to you. Or does it matter?(I phrased that awkwardly.)
A generalist reader may be of more use than one who really likes or dislikes the genre. It is one of my bugbears how often newspaper book reviewers obviously dislike a genre, complaining about the supernatural elements in John Connolly's fiction etc - but a real fan may not even notice the writing?
My 'favourite' from a few years back was a Guardian reviewer who wrote something like this... 'An enjoyable read but then the author messed it up by introducing a supernatural element. The story did not need that.' ... about a Stephen King novel.