Jared Wayne Gifford

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Jared Wayne Gifford


Comic writer, Bass player, Goth, lover of all things nerdy and creepy, writer of Death Watch, and hated liberal hippie.
#WritingCommunity There's nothing wrong with taking in inspiration from other sources, your story will still reflect your perspective and still be its own original story.
I've been loving the latest Conan comic book series and I would like to give a shout out to the artist Roberto De La Torre, who's work to me is the best since John Buscema.
This was the final Hammer Dracula film, Christopher Lee had left by now, so in order to get people to watch they brought back Peter Cushing and also collaborated with the Shaw Brothers in order to appeal to the Kung Fu fan base.
#WritingCommunity Don't worry about the mistakes you make as you write, this is what editing is for.
Another great Marvel horror title in the 70's was "The Frankenstein Monster". Marvel had a ton of hit horror comics featuring the classic golden age monsters. How many of you have read this title?
Time to play some Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, which many of you know by now is my favorite Castlevania game.
#WritingCommunity It only took me a few days, but I finally have a name for the German beer hall I was writing about. 🤣
This is a great story which works on the premise "What if Peter Parker aged in real time?" It starts in the 60's and works it's way to the modern era, all the while Spider-man keeps getting older, with all of the hardships that come with that.
These were very fun but extremely hard games. How many of you have played the Battletoads games?
#WritingCommunity I now need to study the names of German beer halls in the 18th century, wish me luck.
When I first started getting into Superman, it was John Byrne's run that got me into it.
One of the best Gothic vampire games ever made.
#WritingCommunity Don't hate yourself because your story doesn't sound like the stories of an author you admire. Instead just have confidence that your story will be written in the style that's unique to you.
One of my favorite 16 bit cinematic style games.
One of my favorite pieces of artwork from Bernie Wrightson, this picture is one of many illustrations he did for a reprint of the novel "Frankenstein".
#WritingCommunity Just a reminder that all of you are amazing.
This was a great series and it's a shame that it never got a second season. How many of you have seen The Pirates of Dark Water?
If you love action and horror, or if you're simply a fan of Death Watch, head over to hardincomics.com and pick yourself up a copy of Death Watch #1.
#WritingCommunity It doesn't matter if your work is a masterpiece, what matters is that you got out the story that you wanted to write.
One of the best Samurai manga's ever made. Not only did it inspire it's own movies, it also inspired many forms of media including comic books, television, and films.
Plus when you write at night you have less people trying to bug you.
#WritingCommunity There are many times when the ideas don't come, don't get frustrated, simply get away for a bit, and come back to it later with a fresh perspective.
My personal favorite version of Morbius was during his 90's run. I still think the character looked best during this period.
To me this is still the best example of how you update the classic horror monsters. How many of you have seen The Monster Squad?
#WritingCommunity Always remember the difference between helpful criticism, and just being plain cruel. One helps someone to grow, the other tears them down and destroys their self esteem.
If you haven't read The Incal, you should definitely check it out. It's one of the best science fiction comic book stories.
One of the best underrated vampire movies of the 80's.
#WritingCommunity All of you are amazing, I hope you remember that.
Another controversial run was when they decided to change Superman's appearance and powers. I personally didn't like it, however I do believe it yielded some good ideas. What did you think of this run?