
My copy of the 5E version of Talisman arrived in time to play it with the kids for July 4!
Your Avalon Hill colleagues must be stoked to see folks enjoying this in the wild,
We're interested in seeing how it plays. My closest friends and my brother have been playing since 2E in 1987. We're ... a bit competitive and ruthless sometimes.
I like Talisman. A tad too much luck/chance for my rather strategically minded regular tabletop buddies (although Life since 2020 means we rarely get to meet these days) but as someone who loves strong theme, atmosphere and the potential for emergent narrative I think it's great.
My group of friends started playing with 2E back in 7th grade. And we still play.
I am envious. That, and making sidelong glances at my copy of Advanced Heroquest that I've managed to play with other human beings a grand total of... twice, I think?