Jason Chan

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Jason Chan


🔨 Building subset.so in public
🐶 Dog dad
🌉 SF
Thanks to everyone who replied to this poll. We ended up switching to #1 as many of you said. Really happy with how it turned out :D
Which do you like better? 1 or 2? Moving toolbars around is like a jigsaw puzzle 😅 1 is a mock up and 2 is in production (so there's a bit more polishing). Personally leaning towards 1 since it's a bit more ~professional~
Looking to speak to people who care about design and making things look good...in this case spreadsheets. I'd like to get feedback on Subset, which is focused on ~Spreadsheet Design~We want to make spreadsheets look good by default with minimal formatting (adding borders, adjusting columns, etc.)
Which do you like better? 1 or 2? Moving toolbars around is like a jigsaw puzzle 😅 1 is a mock up and 2 is in production (so there's a bit more polishing). Personally leaning towards 1 since it's a bit more ~professional~
When you first start a company, it's easy to daydream about the distant future. Once you're in the startup grind for a while, all you think about is how to survive. It sounds stressful, but it's actually freeing to live in the moment and only focus on the immediate next thing.
I heard someone say "there is a direct correlation between how much value you get out of ChatGPT and how good of a manager you are." I can kind of see it. It's all about providing clear instructions.
Really like this slider thing Javen (engineer on our team) built for our onboarding. Surveys are really helpful for startups, but I can see how it can be a chore for new users. Things like this make it slightly more fun. Next up: have responses tailor onboarding experience!
Can you post GIFs on this app?
There's so much startup advice out there that it's hard not to think about them and overanalyze. But every time I go down a rabbit hole, I end back at square one: just build something that people want/adds value.
Just saw someone post this beautiful marketing forecast template in our template community 🥹
The balance between building brand new features vs improving stability in the current app is delicate ☯️
Split an existing block into smaller components 🧩
Live cursors are ~live~ 😀
End of feed.