Jassa Skott

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Jassa Skott


MediaNews expat / seminary grad / political economist / still a jazz singer at heart. Also—@jassaskott (Threads & Post)
JD Vance: "We should seize the administrative state for our own purposes. Fire every civil servant and replace them with our people. When the courts stop you say 'The Chief Justice has made his ruling now let him enforce it.'" This is the core of Project 2025. Take the State and ignore the courts.
According to Dr. Merijn van de Laar, sleep science expert at Maastricht Univ., 4.5 to 5 hours of sleep is sufficient for most people. Also, sleep consists of several phases (or cycles), which means deep sleep doesn't occur in one block but in separate instances, surrounded by lighter sleep phases.
Why you don't actually need 8 hours of sleep per nightwww.universal-sci.com It is often said that 8 hours of sleep is essential. But is this really true?
Could @NateSilver please explain why Biden's numbers keep going up on this 538 big picture race analysis, despite all that has happened? And despite polls still showing Trump winning? Biden is currently beating Trump 54/46 on this site.
Who Is Favored To Win The 2024 Presidential Election?projects.fivethirtyeight.com 538’s 2024 presidential election forecast model showing Democrat Joe Biden’s and Republican Donald Trump’s chances of winning.
"Our nation is at a crossroads. A second Trump presidency will undermine the very foundation of our democracy, and I have serious concerns about whether the President can defeat Donald Trump in November.”
Schiff calls on Biden to drop out, citing 'serious concerns' he can't winwww.latimes.com Rep. Adam Schiff called Wednesday for President Trump to end his reelection bid, citing "serious concerns" about his ability to win.
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It’s gross that the Republicans are putting grieving families on a stage to blame their loved ones deaths on Biden and it’s equally gross that cable pundits are sitting there critiquing the performance like it’s an Olympic skating event
Mary Trump: "We need to recognize the white men who see women as breeding stock have created a strong alliance. This week we learned Elon Musk—who, along with fellow tech billionaire and vile human being Peter Thiel pushed hard for Vance—is donating $45 million a MONTH to Donald’s super PAC."
The Most Anti-Woman Ticket in Historymarytrump.substack.com Donald and J.D. Vance are coming for women’s rights
The Advocate selected this photo of Kamala Harris to run with their story about a possible Harris/Vance debate. Seriously?
It's hard to imagine Bobby Kennedy III thought releasing the video of Trump's call would help his father, or that he would do it at this point in the campaign without running it by RFK Jr. first. Unless he was deliberately trying to saboutage the campaign.
“We’ve known for years that Trump can’t get 50% of the vote. His people know that. They know they need to find ways to win. One way is propping up 3rd-party candidates,” said Josh Schwerin. a spokesman for Clinton's 2016 campaign. Many Dems believe HC lost because the Green Party played spoiler.
Kennedy and West third-party ballot drives are pushed by secretive groups and Republican donorsapnews.com With early voting for the November presidential election set to begin in September in some states, there are signs across the country that groups are trying to affect the outcome by using deceptive me...
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I know I'm not the audience, but these RNC speeches just seem ... lifeless? Compared to past conventions, especially. The speakers are awkward, the red meat is half-assed, and the audience doesn't seem to be responding all that well.
Biden will reportedly propose major changes for SCOTUS soon, including term limits and an enforceable ethics code. "He is also weighing whether to call for a constitutional amendment to eliminate broad immunity for presidents and other constitutional officeholders."
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
RFK Jr's son, Bobby Kennedy III, is 29 yrs old. So he knew exactly what he was doing when he leaked the video, and it is highly unlikely he would do it w/o the knowledge of his father, the candidate. The question is what they thought it was going to accomplish for his campaign.
From Margaret Sullivan, columnist for The Guardian and former Public Editor for the NYT who focuses on journalistic ethics:
We seriously have to ask now—is the President safe? The longer the Secret Service Director waffles on what happend at Trump's shooting, the less confidence they inspire.
I did not know this. The brilliant Edward Gorey, whose illustrations I love, also made his own dolls. He made quite a few for local theatres and other arts organizations on Cape Cod to sell in their lobbies,
Edward Gorey’s Toyswww.newyorker.com The brilliantly macabre writer and illustrator also made his own stuffed dolls, which have a stylishness and craftsmanship in keeping with all his art.
Kimberly Cheatle must resign or be fired, especially after saying this: "That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. There's a safety factor that would be considered that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof." Obviously the shooter had no problem with it,
Secret Service director: Trump rally shooter was identified as 'potential person of suspicion'www.foxnews.com The director of the Secret Service says Thomas Matthew Crooks had been identified as a "potential person of suspicion" before the Trump rally shooting.
If Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle continues to refuse to step down, then Biden should fire her. The utter sloppiness of how security was handled for Trump's rally resulted in a former president and presidential nominee almost being murdered. It is the ultimate failure.
GOP Senator Mitt Romney: "“I don’t know that I can disrespect someone more than J. D. Vance."