
'I want the fresh, vibrant, vulnerable, messy, terrible, crushing, incredible big feelings we are all, still, feeling, somewhere, even when they’re hard to access. I want catharsis' To me this is a limited atitude. I want ideas, insights new to me, less demandingly I'll settle for being amused.
In Search of Big Feelings - What book last reduced you to tears? What took your breath away or made your heart race?
I suppose it isn't a suprise this is from the reac/tor content mill. But if I wanted to write a parody of the media consumer looking for the next emotional fix, I'd write something like this. Catharsis...can be a noble goal for art. But it is only available at the end of hard journeys.
And for most of us, who are not even bit players in the big dramas of our times, catharsis is at best personal, and rarely conclusive. There's new pain waiting.
Clarity and productive ambiguity. That's what I personally 'crave'.
Perhaps that's why I can't write the tor/reactor type of 'big conflict! emotions!" stories. And I don't believe that we need Big Conflict to trigger catharsis.
There's a sort of lowkey resolution of the personal foreground and simultaneously big picture moving of some processes that I think you balance well.
Thank you. 💖 Not all writers are able to do that though. And even I am learning all the time.