
WCK, one of the only orgs actually getting food to people, is pulling out of the region because of this. Israel's attack, which certainly appears targeted, is going to cause even more starvation.
"In a press release, WCK says its team was traveling in a de-conflicted zone in cars clearly marked with the organization’s logo, and that it had coordinated its movements with the IDF."
IDF Strike Kills 7 World Central Kitchen Members in Members of the nonprofit led by José Andrés were killed while working to deliver humanitarian food aid.
Meant to specify the pause is temporary, but still
That was the intent, sadly. The state of Israel is in real bad shape right now.
As far as I can tell, WCK has only said they are pausing operations, not pulling out of the region, and that they have not yet decided about future operations. Is there more information that you have other than WCK's own statement on this?
World Central Kitchen | 7 WCK team members killed in World Central Kitchen is devastated to confirm seven members of our team have been killed in an IDF strike in Gaza.
Ahh sorry, meant to specify a temporary pulling out, but yeah
Just wanted to make sure since you did good reporting. I appreciate the clarification.
No you're right technically they're pausing but the effect is still the same- people will starve.
Not just the WCK, other aid orgs are pulling out too after the attack. Very effective strike to suppress aid to starving people. It feels fairly obvious that the intent is to just kill off the population through starvation.
Why, it's ALMOST as if getting WCK to withdraw completely was their intention.
Could be the intention. The cost to reputation may be higher than they’d like. Bombing a high profile charity well known for feeding people effectively in disasters gives people leverage to use in conversations about withdrawing support for Israel.