
I’m really glad us LGBTQ+ people can feel safe on bluesky. Twitter and tik tok are full of hate rn and there are actual anti-🏳️‍🌈 protests happening around Canada today. Please take a moment and voice your support for your queer and trans moots. Not just Canadian one, either. It affects us all… ♥️
Jay..glad you feel comfortable here though tbh, there are many decent folk on Twitter, some of whom came over here as they feel its being run down by the 'Muskrat' or refuse to pay subscriptions to the W⚓️ ! I've had a bit of trolling myself, BUT when I did, I had loads of good Tweeps defending me 🤷‍♀️😘
Oh there are definitely decent folk there as well. But over a month on this app now and i have yet to be harassed at all. I’ve been called a fag, a groomer, a pervert and a pedophile on twitter just for existing.
And it was specifically in regards to the anti-🏳️‍🌈 protest in Canada… that’s where a lot of the hate yesterday was coming from. But the anti-hate counter protests turned out n greater numbers (at least 3 to 1 in most areas). So that was good to see. This was at a rally yesterday in Canada
Yep.. I've been called many things too & threatened as a woman who dares to open my mouth & have an opinion: there's rank racists too now, but I still interact daily with some brilliant folk, who are like truth warriors too. It's still a good platform in that sense to me 👌💃
Yeah… the misogynists I have battled with on twitter 🤦🏼‍♂️
But then it's like 'real life' I guess, except I've been left face down in the gutter after standing up to violent men, but at least you can block them on sm.
I’m dumb. What’s the yellow with the purple circle 😅
Not dumb! Dw ☺️ Here you go!