Brad Aimone

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Brad Aimone

Computational neuroscientist-in-exile; computational neuromorphic computing; putting neurons in HPC since 2011; dreaming of a day when AI will actually be brain-like.
This is all sorts of fun.
The word cloud from the titles of my papers on google scholar. Mostly geophysical investigations it would seem. 🧪⚒️
The worst thing about these Arctic blasts - and there is a lot wrong about cold weather - is having to see educated people spell it "Artic"
I know little about evolutionary biology. But scientists 🧪 must stop thinking of writing as meriting just the minimal effort to get into the best journal possible, and rather as *the* point of their work. Results and venue mean nothing unless people can understand and be convinced by the story
3. Let's get a few things out of the way first. a) The main text of the paper is terribly written. Terribly. b) It’s obvious why people didn't understand it and why they were skeptical to say the least. c) Nature failed both the authors and its readers by publishing it in its present form.
The call for papers for the 2024 NICE Conference is now up! We will be in San Diego next year - on the beach in La Jolla! - in late April. Come join us!
I’m going to kick off my Bluesky experience with a summary of a paper I’m presenting at the IEEE Rebooting Computing meeting this week. The premise is that the noise in our brain is in its synapses, so shouldn’t it make sense to sample neural networks the same way?
Synaptic Sampling of Neural Probabilistic artificial neural networks offer intriguing prospects for enabling the uncertainty of artificial intelligence methods to be described explicitly in their function; however, the...
End of feed.