
As Elon Musk's public persona has become increasingly right wing, Tesla appears to be paying a price in sales. His polarizing statements have alienated some potential customers and may be partly responsible for a recent slump in sales.
Elon Musk’s Politics May Be Pushing Some Buyers Away From The Tesla chief executive’s polarizing statements have alienated some potential customers and may be partly responsible for a recent slump in sales.
No "may be" about it. #Tesla *was* going to be my first #EV. Not now, and not ever.
There are many other choices available now. Wait a bit and there will be even more.
No doubt. Musk being an ass just delayed my personal EV adoption. I’m letting EVs from other brands mature and then I’ll pick one.
Huyndai and Kia seem to have some nice recent models. I was an early adapter to EV's. I have a 2015 KIA Soul. My big complaint is lack of long range. It has been relatively free of problems. That said EV's need huge heavy tires to support them. Replacing tires is $$$.
My car is paid off. I want to wait a while before I replace it.
I'm old school, run it into the ground. No car payment. JMHO