John Carpenter

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John Carpenter

New Englander, Husband and father, craft beer enthusiast.

Reinheinsgebot is soooooo over.
I can’t be the only person to feel like the rushed debate was an attempt to bring events to a head before it was too late. Must have been a sad acceleration over the past couple months. This time since has been to coalesce everyone into supporting Kamala. Tragic turn of events.
Maybe the political genius pundits should cease further self-gratification until after polls take into effect the public’s feelings about the possibility of a Trump believing he can president as a mob boss, as opposed to just thinking he is one?
When there is absolutely no change in the polls (or even a possible positive one) what are all these geniuses going to say??? Let’s not forget- that was also the first time millions of people got to see Trump’s mania first-hand…
People reacting as if the next poll will be 80-20. If anything, a couple points to no difference because the damn choice remains the same. A loudmouth liar charlatan surrounded by a bunch of mini- Goebbles vs. a President who has has executed policies to try to better the lives of all Americans.
Prediction: in 15 yrs “ducking” will become the all-purpose epithet of choice.
If it isn’t obvious to everyone yet- it looks like the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg now has a Bluesky desk tasked with Twitter, Facebook, and all the rest.
Nothing quite like the feeling you get from fixing to do a killer snarky #SpellingBee fail post and then realizing you misspelled the word🤦
Now we wait for the Supreme Court to *somehow find jurisdiction in a state matter
Never in my life thought I would see the Aurora Borealis in Connecticut
Loving how chiaroscuro is a character in “Ripley”
Just wondering- who has the marketing rights to the Eclipse?
So Russia will now invade Afghanistan and the wheel of time continues to roll. We can only hope Putin is that stupid.
Related - how concerned are these pollers about cybersecurity??
When reports about poll results are ALWAYS preceded by feverish explanations about how they might be accurate, isn’t that a sign of a serious problem?
It can’t be waved away that Biden et al are treating the blatantly extraordinarily politically motivated report MUCH differently than Hillary did
Just curious…. Does Constitutional nullification by states apply in ALL instances? Cause if so- I’m sure we got some ideas 🤔🤔🤔
Would be entirely appropriate for the press now to ask every single R rep and Sen whether they would vote to impeach and convict Trump if he did shoot someone on 5th Ave while President. I can think of more than a few who wouldn’t.
It’ll be wild when the SCOTUS decision comes down to State’s Rights. Primaries are run by states and they establish qualification rules to appear on their ballots, so…
Kinda on the nose that they aren’t whinging about “Seig Heil” in “Holiday”, innit?🤔
End of feed.