john d moore

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john d moore

Gamemaker. Academic copy editor for hire. Gundam scholar. Acquisitions at the Marriott Library, University of Utah. Enjoys birds and cats. He/him. |
Salt Lake City, Utah
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I really needed to visit this place in my mind today. #KoitsuTsuchiya 1879-1949 Ueno Shinobazu Pond #japanese #woodblock
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Next riso project. I heard there was going to be a rose of versailles movie coming out next year and i was planning on doing a print of oscar anyway so...
Going to start qualifying my appreciation for new movies by saying "Well, it's good for a film from the 2020s, I mean."
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Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Update: It seems these were not merlins but rather Cooper’s hawks Which is just as exciting
I saw a pair of merlins at the library this morning!
It's true that there are bad actors out there who seek to misconstrue their identities or positions so as to make "the other side" look worse. Those people *do* exist. But there are even more people who appear to be on "your side" who are quite stupid and/or just truly awful people, sorry.
The weirdest thing about Prime Day mania is the sales aren't even that good
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It's almost "Prime Day". If you look on your favorite shelter's website or instagram you might find that they have an amazon wishlist and that many of their items might be on sale. I hate amazon, I definitely encourage people to shop local whenever possible, but I'm just putting the info out there.
I don't believe in things like omens, but this nonetheless feels like an auspicious omen. Amazing start to this day.
I saw a pair of merlins at the library this morning!
In honor of everyone's favorite definitely-real-holiday, my friend Elimaxxx put out a new track, "Bezos Bop," which I provided the cover art for.
Bezos Bop, by track by elimaxxx
I saw a pair of merlins at the library this morning!
Good lord
Let's just rethink politics journalism as a whole until everyone can get their fucking shit together.
Big props to everyone at my family gathering on Saturday who surely saw the news about Trump getting shot on their phones but had the good sense not to ruin the day by making anyone else react to it out loud.
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Republicans on TV: "Trump looked so fucking cool and manly 😈" Democrats on TV: "Trump looked so fucking cool and manly 😢" How are we so bad at this
More time has passed between now and the beginning of the “Disney Renaissance” with the release of “The Little Mermaid” than had passed between the release of “The Little Mermaid” and the opening of Disneyland.
As much time has passed between now and when the first Star Wars prequel came out as had passed between when the first Star Wars prequel came out and when George Lucas wrote the first treatment for “The Star Wars” (1973).
Let's cut deeper: Morrowind came out as long ago now as Pac-Man had when Morrowind came out
I drank two mint juleps today and that was very nice.
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If you’ve shared this but haven’t read it yet, you should. PEOPLE isn’t pulling punches. Just printing “Christian Nationalism” in relation to the platform of a presidential candidate is more than many pubs have done.
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in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
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what's nice is when the grocery store produce dept does the thunderstorm sound effect when the misters come on
Well sadly, I didn't get things together to create something that could both (a) be made within the timeframe of the jam and (b) be a thing I actually wanted to spend time making. I did come up with some concept art I hope to use down the line, though. Maybe next year's jam. Maybe for NaNoRenO.
I don't know what it'll end up being yet, of course, but I am absolutely making some sort of game for Mech Jam V in a few weeks. Maybe some sort of Melchior Y side story. #mechjam
MechJam A game jam from 2024-07-04 to 2024-07-25 hosted by dungeon. S See Last Year's Entries Here MechJam V is a game jam for creating video games or physical games featuring or based around mechs or mecha. ...
Just got back from the gym, which is the only place I ever see Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC (all 3 on TVs with captions), and my god, this shit just rots your fuckin brain.
There’s a difference between being like “Trump is dangerously close to winning and it’s going to be a real fight to defeat him” and responding to everything with “Well shit, Trump has this in the bag for sure now.” How can the latter be productive at all? Why am I seeing this from so many?
Repost with 10 shows to get to know you (No particular order): 1. The Larry Sanders Show 2. The Kids in the Hall 3. Community 4. The Good Wife 5. Newsradio 6. Home Movies 7. Better Call Saul 8. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend 9. Mad About You 10. BoJack Horseman
Repost with 10 shows to get to know you (No particular order) 1. Rome 2. Raised by Wolves 3. The Expanse 4. Gallivant 5. Mr Robot 6. The Nevers 7. Riverdale 8. 30 rock 9. IASIP 10. Andor
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I hate living in interesting times! This shit sucks!!
I can't believe (a) how bad Final Fantasy VII Rebirth was in the end and (b) I spent 100 hours playing it.
Have to keep reminding myself almost all of the many problems in my life will still be here after my new Thinkpad arrives on Monday.
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Baby crows crack me up. I have no idea how their parents manage to put up with their shit for so long. First they leave the nest before they can fly, then they spend weeks flying around before they figure out that they can literally pick food up off the ground and eat it.
Baby crow can fly but can't pick up Baby crows are hilarious. First they leave the nest before they can fly, then they spend weeks flying around before they figure out that they can literally p...