James Davis Nicoll

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James Davis Nicoll


Reviewer, Essayist, Hugo, Aurora, and Darwin Award finalist.
Given the effect The Day After reportedly had on viewers (including Reagan, apparently) I wonder what the effort would have been had US television aired Threads instead?
I don't know why playing a vital role in such tales is bad, given that none of the characters in an isekai ever need to think about Donald Trump ever again.
1992: The Imperial Family of Russia faced a succession crisis, the Maastricht Treaty brought utopian unity, and George Bush faced an easy campaign against scandal-plagued challenger, Bill Clinton. ✓ for read, * for intend to read, and ! for never heard of it. Or whatever amuses you. #nebula
Books Received, July 6 — July 12 Half a dozen works new to me. jamesdavisnicoll.com/post/books-r... #BooksReceived
1991: The abrupt collapse of one of the two military alliances dominating Europe promised eternal peace on that troubled continent, after some delay Ötzi the Iceman completed his journey, and the world's supply of both Soviet Unions and Yugoslavias fell to zero. #nebula
Books Received, June 29 — July 5 Eleven works new to me. The number is high in part due to an influx of magazines. This month sees a first: one of the incoming works cites me. Guess which one? jamesdavisnicoll.com/post/books-r...
Happy birthday, Vampire the Masquerade. Wasn't my jam but it sure appealed to a demographic other games ignored.
Well, not unexpected but depressing.
Champions was released at Origins VII July 3rd - 5th, back in 1981. Happy (approximate) birthday, Champions, whose complex rules had surprisingly little positive effect on my ability to do math on the fly. #ttrpg #RollAllTheD6s
1990! Commercial internet took the first baby steps towards the online utopia we now enjoy, Thatcher demonstrated to fellow Tories who truly enjoyed the Mandate of Heaven, and the world's supply of Germanies abruptly fell by half. #nebula
Young People Read Old Nebula Finalists: The Island of Doctor Death and other stories by Gene Wolfe More than half a century, Wolfe's story inflamed the ire of science fiction's vengeful grognards. Will it fare better with the Young People? youngpeoplereadoldsff.com/story/the-is...
Books Received, June 22 — June 28 Three fantasy novels, one fantasy rpg core rulebook and one horror core rulebook. jamesdavisnicoll.com/post/books-r... #BooksReceived
One last new work, a horror RPG.
I wonder how long this will last?
The Turner appeared as both The Drowning Towers and as The Sea and Summer.
1989! Tim Berners-Lee lays the foundations for the World Wide Web, Communism has an unshakable grasp on the Warsaw Bloc, and Pons and Fleischmann free the world from energy shortages forever. ✓ for read, * for intend to read, and ! for never heard of it. Or whatever amuses you. #nebula
Books Received, June 15 — June 21 Eight books new to me, including my first Nora Roberts. jamesdavisnicoll.com/post/books-r...
That said, I am aware Powers' hallucinogenic lava lamp covers are not exactly photorealistic, while Baen's covers often depict market research suggesting their target market is 38 yr old virgins.
Also, old Doubleday covers suggest they were operating on a tight schedule and a negligible art budget.
1988! Osama Bin founds a social group, dynamic Dukakis faces off against boring establishment man Bush, and the Soviet Union embraces sweeping reforms that will ensure its immortality. ✓ for read, * for intend to read, and ! for never heard of it. Or whatever amuses you. #nebula
It's weird to think this might be the coldest summer of the rest of our lives.
Books Received, June 8 — June 14 Five upcoming books (one a reprint), from a variety of genres. 1/2 jamesdavisnicoll.com/post/books-r...
The final cover! The new, updated and revised, edition of Martha Wells' Wheel of the Infinite. 2/2
1987! Iran-Contra confirmed that Republicans can break the law without serious consequence, Matthias Rust visited Moscow, and the impending Meech Lake Accord was heralded by all. ✓ for read, * for intend to read, and ! for never heard of it. Or whatever amuses you. #nebula